My story// •four•

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"I'm sorry but we are gonna have to take a break, it's too much right now" I broke. Hearing that made me weak. I didn't want to do anything anymore. Nothing was ok, it was never going to be ok.
"No, Ian! Please don't I swear I'll change, I'll make it up to you just please don't do this to me!"

I couldn't cope. Every bone in my body felt asif it was decaying. Nothing was right, nothing felt right.

I didn't want to be here, I wanted to go, it would've been better for everyone. I begged and begged, he still didn't want me. I wasn't quite sure on what I did wrong.

"You've just been crying 24/7, I can't cope"

He didn't even know the reason. I needed him there for me, I needed support but he left me.

"But I need you" I muttered under my breathe
"You'll have to see what the future holds"
He hates my guts, to this day he can't stand me at all. It's been six months, I still can't cope! I'm still wanting him back. The only way that can stop me is if I get away, who would I effect then?

I dread going to school, too scared to step out the door. What's going to happen today I think?
Getting pushed around, people fking with my head. Messing me around, taking advantage off me. I show I don't care on the outside, but on the inside I'm breaking up. Crying myself to sleep...
Alls I get told in school is "I don't want you anymore" asif I was just a temporary plan to keep him satisfied for two years. There's nothing to hold onto anymore. I don't think so anyway.

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