- pregnancy ahead!

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EVI WALKED OUT OF THE KITCHEN, eating a fruit bowl. the doctor was just done checking over wanda

"yep, definitely pregnant" he said after he had packed away the stethoscope.

"oh, well that much we figured" joked wanda

"it's just kind of taken us by surprise, it's just kind of sudden, quite suddenly, wasn't it? i mean, practically overnight, i mean— how did this happen?"

evi's eyes grew wide, as vision practically gave away the truth. of course they were all used to their magically insane powers, but nothing of this sort had ever happened before, evi didn't even know that a robot could get someone pregnant, but apparently...

"you see, when a man and a woman love each other very much—" doctor nielsen began answering, not quite understanding the question

"well, we're just ticketed pink! or blue!"

"you're at about four months now, is that right?"

wanda nodded while vision shook his head at the same time, before he switched to nodding as well. doctor nielsen turned around and looked at evi questionly, hoping she could answer the question a tad better

"oh, yes" she nodded "just about four months now, correct"

"i thought as much" the doctor turned back to the pair "we let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babies with fruit. makes it simple for them"

evi rolled her eyes at that, while wanda and vision looked at each other

"at four months, the fetus is about as big as a pear. at five months, a papaya. six, grapefruit. seven, pineapple. eight, honeydew" the doctor continued

"hypothetically speaking" vision interjected "what size fruit would it be at say, hmm, twelve hours?"

"uh, pardon? twelve hours?"

"he's joking" exclaimed evi at the same time that wanda said "well, i think this line of questioning is fruitless"

"well, hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned?"

"hypothetically speaking, every new father—to—be gets nervous"

"well, i have nerves of steel, so there goes your theory, mister doctor"

"vision, why don't you see the doctor out?" wanda interrupted

"good idea, yes!"

wanda and evi walked into the kitchen together.

"i really can't believe this" smiled evi "finally everything's getting into place like it's supposed to"

"i know" wanda gushed "all my life i have been waiting for this" she waited a moment, until evi had finished the bowl and set it into the sink, before she took her sisters hands in hers. "and i'm so glad you're here to experience it with me— with us, evi"

evi smiled brightly at her sister, before she hugged the older girl. "i wouldn't wanna be anywhere else, i'm so grateful for this home and that i'm allowed to stay here with you, i couldn't ask for anything better"

"oh dear" wanda smiled, laying a hand at her sisters cheek "where else would you belong if not here, and now you're going to be an aunt! how exiting is that?" she laughed

evi was about to answer, when vision walked back into the house. "whoa nelly" he called, upon the sight of wanda turning in his direction "have you gotten bigger?"

"have i?" wanda turned back towards evi and knocked a fruit off the table. before evi could react, vision had caught it thanks to his superspeed. "i can't tell from this angle"

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