A day in the life of a sick Country Master[📖]

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A day in the life of Phil.

He just wants this day to go well. Let's do our best to make this day special, why don't we?





Having a fireplace within the manor didn't make sense at first. It was strange to have one built into your home when you know you live in a tropical country where there's barely any cold weather. But during those days when Christmas was over and the rain never seemed to stop after that, it made a little more sense.

But days like these is what made it a little more better to wake up everyday, when the rain just won't stop. It was what made it a little more easier for Phil to push himself off of the mattress.

When Phil opened his eyes, it was hard to try and comprehend his surroundings for a short while. It was blurry, like his eyes had been doused with water and left undried. With a groan, Phil rubbed his eyes and blinked multiple times until the blobs of color and shapes began making sense to him.

He hesitated to push the blankets off of him when his arms became exposed as he was just about to pull the bedsheets off. The air was unbearably cold and made his hairs stand on their ends. He thought about covering himself once again but quickly brushed the idea off when he glanced at the clock beside his bed.

"8:12AM..." Phil muttered out as the seconds on the digital clock continuously kept adding. It always made him anxious— watching the seconds go by.

Phil looked at the side of his bed in hopes to watch the rain fall onto the sea, the gray sky contrasting the dull blue waters below. It always calmed him, watching the rain by himself. No amount of "comfort", that Martial and Del gave him could match the serenity he felt whenever it rains, fog covering over his windows.

But what he hoped to be a calming sight to start his day, something stood Infront of his vision, disturbing his view from the rain. Phil sighs when he eyes the IV stand looming over the side of his bed. Looking at it... It always reminded him that there wasn't getting out of the island any time soon. That same IV stand would always be there, always be beside him.

He had hoped to start his morning by watching the rain. Instead, he watches a grim reminder, standing just beside his bed.

He didn't mind, though. He didn't mind the fact that his brothers never let him interact with the other countries. He didn't mind the fact that he hasn't seen another soul since his childhood first started inside this spacious mansion, on a much more spacious island. All in the middle of nowhere. Never to be found.

They just want the best for him. That's all.

Speaking of brothers, Phil was able to remember something about a week ago. It was all a blur, going by too quickly— But he remembers seeing Martial, his second older brother.

Martial had promised him that he would visit him in the mansion. He sat on the side of Phil's bed, telling him that he would be here for important business, but maybe he'd have some time to spare and see Phil in his room.

"Will kuya Del be coming?" Phil asked.

"..." Martial didn't reply.

And that's all, really. Phil always remembers to never rely on his memory. How ironic, that sentence is.

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