Lila loves to lie

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Mari pov

I wake up with tikki flying around the room with the others to getting me clothes

I stayed up two nights ago making a white dress and suite for uncle jagged which I didn't understand why and last night I was completely all my home work so I was so tired so I was confused until I realised I had school so I got the clothes that the kwamis gave me and put them on.

I put on a shirt that has the word princess on it it was big on me so it made it look baggy which was comfortable for me but I also put some shorts on and some socks with flowers on with my shoes that has pink laces (the shoes are white aswell as the shirt) then I grabbed a beanie and a jacket just incase.

I ran downstairs after brushing my hair etc and wrapped the jacket around my waist and grabbed a croissant (also the purse is on her like that always stays with her) but before I could go I was tackled into a hug my pa who a box of treats for me to give to my friends

Mari: thanks pa!

Tom: no problem sweetie also ma is not here as she had to deliver a big cake for a wedding?

Mari: who's wedding if you know by chance?

Tom: oh it is what you called uncle jagged and penny's wedding

Mari: omg wow I'm so happy for them

Pa: I'm actually heading of to there wedding any min I just didn't want to leave you alone

Mari: can you say that I said congratulations to them

Pa: ofc sweetie now of you go before you late for school

Mari: ok bye pa!

As I ran out of the bakery/home I realised that there is 20 mins before school started so I started going faster
10 mins later

Phew! I made it on time so I walk into the school relived that I made it on time and I look at the benches to see Adrien, Nino and alix chatting so I ran over to them

Adrien: hi mare-bear!

Nino: hi Mari

Alix: hi M

Mari: hi guys

Adrien: I'm happy you made it on time but also to see treats in your hands is there croissant inside there?!

Mari: ofc sunshine there is

I open the box and gave Adrien two croissants

Adrien: YEEEEE!

Nino: your a lover for croissants it's like your fav food

Adrien: that because it is

Alix: really out all the foods you probs tasted it was mari's family's croissants that was your favourite food to you?

Adrien: that because my hell of an father puts me of the worst diet you could probably think of and I'm going to die because of it! Like diet has die in it?

Mari: well if you ever hungry you can come over to my place and I can make you some like food if you want?

Adrien: i am totally taking that offer to my advantage now

We started laughing at that but right when we died down in laughter the bell rung so we started heading into are classroom
When we walked in guess what we saw we say a Roach in are class and it had affected most of are class with its "truthful" words but anyways as me and Adrien sit at the back with Nino and Nath Infront of us and alix on the other side of the class but at the back I hear lie-la start talking

Lila: so today jagged stone called me and told me that I was his niece to him basically I couldn't believe that he thought of me as a niece so I started to call him uncle jagged and that just what me and jagged can only use for each other as he hates when other people try to get them same treatment as me

Bruh that fuckin lies I'm his basically niece now she just trying to copy my life they can't fr believe this like no way they believe this

Alya: I thought that what mari-bitch got called by him?

Lila: oh hates Mari after he found out she bullies me and instead gave me the role

Alya: that makes sense Afterall who would like mari?

That when I saw Adrien getting kinda of pissed because of that and before he could say anything I just patted his back and hugged him that got him to calm down for now but of course this girl was still talking where is miss.B at anyways?!

Lila: also apparently I saw Mari trying to break into where he lives just for his attention I guess she a attention seeker

Alya: ofc she is like look at her thinking she looking good in what she wearing but she actually looks like she unloved from her family I'm surprised that she still has one

Wow that hurt but before I knew it heard a hand slam to the tables and I see Adrien pissed off I told yall it wasn't got to calm him down for the whole time but anyways

Adrien: how dare you say that about mari!

Alya: it just the truth Adrien but don't worry I will help everyone see the truth and you all will see that she bad for you guys like alix she made you loose your friends, Nino she made you break up with me, Nath she made you like idk you don't talk much so nothing for you but Adrien she made you against us your "true" friends

Alix: Hey that not true it's you guys that lost us because you believe this Roach who has to many disabilities and stuff that she would of been dead

Nino: also I broke up with you because you were not the Alya I loved not because Mari asked me to

Nath: I know I don't talk a lot but at least I don't go around believing the stupidest of lies I ever heard like girl if you making up lies at least do your research dumbo

Kim: Hey stop being to her you guys!

Adrien: so lie-la can be mean but when Mari is it's all bad anything like haven't y'all known her way longer then this girl?!

Max: well it's has shown people can change

Alix: and that's you guys

Before I could speak miss.b came in

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