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The same person that you needed was the one you were running from.

You felt as though you didn't deserve him, like you were a burden in his eyes. For every time you cried in front of him, or shared any ounce of the growing emptiness that lived within you, you felt weak. Terribly terribly weak.

So because of that lingering feeling that you were a disturbance to your moon, you crept away from him, distancing yourself as much as possible. So he had nothing to orbit around, nothing to love anymore.

Your once beaming sunshine faded into a shadow, a shadow of yourself, your empty self. You weren't even a star let alone the sun that connected with the moon. You had died down into a black hole, your pride, honour and dignity collapsing. He was your fuel that kept you going everyday, and since you had left him, you no longer had said fuel to run to anymore.

So that left you surrounded by smoke, clouded by heaps and heaps of smoke, and blinded by the bright future that you could've achieved with him.

If you were to compare each other with astronomical objects, he would be the moon and you would be ruining the ozone.

The same person that you needed was the one you were running from.

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