10¹↠ Love

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"Come closer, closer, and closer."
Eddy feels the voice coming from the woods, a mystery that Eddy wants to discover so severely.
"Do you want to know who I am? Come again, closer to me."
Eddy steps quickly to the forest which is described as dim and enormous.
"Almost there, boy.." The voice giggles softly as if its teasing Eddy.

He stares at nowhere, he feels like he's under a charm. He enjoys that voice, it seems like got to hold onto his heart, just like an angel's voice, he feels like it's singing for him, only for him.

"Am I beautiful? Come, come closer..." the voice starts again, pulling Eddy's heart, making him feel like the heavens are just one step left.

He keeps following the voice, into the woods, hiding from the bright, shining moonlights.

It's a boy, no, an angel, without wings, sitting on a fallen tree. He'd stare at Eddy, smiling.
"You made it, am I beautiful?" he asks, playing with the flowers in his hands.
Eddy finds him gorgeous, he can't help, the angel got to own his heart, no matter what. Yet he feels so..weird.

"Yes, you're an angel, please, I admire your beauty, so much that I fall for your trap... a trap that I'm glad to fall for." Eddy replies, his eyes staring at the angel without blinking, as if he is hypnotized.
"What do you mean, I did not set up any traps at all." the angel replies, he tilts his head. Suddenly, he stand up and starts to coming closer to Eddy.
"Your beauty, the gift that Aphrodite gave you, it's a trap itself!" Eddy says, unconsiously.
"Did you say I'm pretty?" the angel confused.
"I want to know your name...please, dear angel." Eddy mumbles, randomly.
"Well, I'm Brett." He shrugs.
"Brett, absolutely a beautiful name."
"Thanks. But now I have to go, pardon me."
"What do you mean? How am i suppose to do without you.. I mean, how can I meet you again...angel Brett?" Eddy asked sadly.
"Every time in your dream."

And immediately Eddy woke up on his bed, all of it's is just a dream.
He'd looked at his schedule on the wall and the clock, 5:27 AM, Friday, he should have get ready for school now, oh, and the math tutors.

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