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[Cattes are neutral Gootraxians exhibiting behaviors akin to domesticated cats. Even though they share personalities with the common house cat, they must not be underestimated as they don't view humans as caregivers that felines do. They along with other felidae-like Gootraxians are mostly solitary but due to their domestic house cat genes they sometimes interact with a human they took interest in.]

 While taking your usual stroll from the cafeteria back to your office, you notice a Catte laying on one of the shelves on its back. Looking closely, you recognize it to be your girlfriend, a mischievous thought comes up, causing you to smile without thinking. Since the shelf she's laying on is just around the same height as your face from the ground, you can plant your face and blow on her belly.

 You sneak towards her, making sure that she really is asleep. Once confirming that she is, you shift to the side and lightly lay your face on her stomach. Since her belly is a bit chubby you also nuzzle your face in a bit, feeling her soft fur and round stomach against your face. You let in a deep breath through your nose then give out a strong blow through your mouth, making motorboat sounds and waking Catte up.

 You immediately feel two paws pushing the side of your head along with her knees grazing against your ear. When you lift your face up you continue to get swatted as she uses all four of her limbs to push you away. Once she sees you though, she calms down and gives you a judgmental stare while still looking half-asleep.

 You apologize to her for the prank and try to make up by letting her in your office and spending the rest of the day with her. Catte's face remains unchanged as she thinks about your offer and agrees to it, but with a catch to make up for her being woken up suddenly.

 "Mmm, fine, but you have to carry me to your office. And also, you must let me sleep with you tonight." She turns to lay on her side and stretches her arms towards you.

 You reach into the shelf and pull her towards you. You then lean back a bit as you lift and carry her by her thighs as she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist while nuzzling her face into your neck. After finding your balance, you tread back to your office, making sure that you don't stumble on the way.

[Just like pet cats, they don't care about who their mate is when in heat and would settle with any other Cattes that are close by. Though there are a notable number of exceptions where they would select partners that they have a relationship with, the reason why is still being researched due to multiple theories.]

 When you finally enter your work place, you immediately hold onto nearby furniture to support your trembling legs. Somehow on your way to work, Catte has fallen asleep and has lost her grip on you, making you frequently stop and readjust her position to keep her from falling off. Because of her dozing off, you arrived a few minutes later than you expected.

 You waste no time though as you hastily creep towards your chair. You sit down, finally letting your exhausted legs rest. Pulling yourself closer to your desk, you prepare yourself for work by adjusting your chair, setting up your computer, removing her bucket and placing it beside your monitor so it won't fall off, and lastly giving her a few scratches and pets.

 Halfway into your work, you hear her yawn and stretch. Catte arches her back and sways her tail high up, blocking your view of your computer a bit. You stop typing on your keyboard to greet her and take this chance to have a short break. She doesn't say anything and instead licks your cheek while slowly making her way to your lips before fully kissing you.

 You let go of your keyboard to pull her away from you. You say to her that you have to go back to your work. Her faint smile droops to a neutral expression as she sighs alright. You kiss her again and promise that you'll finish it quickly.

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