Where He Takes You On Holiday!(:

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Ghana. Harry always wanted to go back to do some volunteer work in the poor communities and you were very open to the idea. You loved the fact that Harry wanted to help people, and it also made you closer as a couple because you had experiences (some really sad) to bond over. Like Harry, Ghana became one of your favorite places in the world after going there for the first time.


Italy. It was very early in your relationship and Liam had a tour of Europe coming up. As a birthday present, he had decided to take you to Italy for a holiday. You are a lot of amazing food and saw all the sights that Italy had to offer. You went to Venice and had a romantic gondola ride, drinking champagne while you talked about your trip. You saw the colosseum and the leaning tower of Pisa, as well as going to places like Pompeii to see the ruins of the city and Milan to do some shopping.


Ireland. Niall loved spending time with you and his family. For Christmas, you decided to go to Ireland and stay in mullingar with his whole family, celebrating the festive season. He showed you all the places from his past and shared many stories with you about what it was like growing up. His family loved you and immediately welcomed you into the family and you loved all of them too, cracking jokes at the dinner table on Christmas eve or going to football games with everyone, you were the honorary horan.


America. Louis had been bugging you for a long time to go to Disney land. You had been in America for a while but you hadn't actually been to Disney land. You two spent a lot of time in New York, doing some shopping and sightseeing, but hadn't actually been anywhere else. One day Louis decided that you were going to actually see the rest of America while you were there, and Disney land was the first stop.


Paris. It was a Valentine's present. You opened a thin card and inside were two tickets to Paris. The next day, you flew out, not taking a lot of clothes or anything because it was really only for a few days. Zayn booked you into the most romantic and big hotel room you've ever seen. You went out for breakfast, lunches and dinners but you quite often just ordered room service and had a meal in romantic candle light, and after, a bubble bath Zayn bought you flowers from the city often, and the Eiffel tower charm necklace, so you would remember your first trip together.

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