He Confess he was unfaithful (part 3)

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"Liam, I'm sorry I'm late. Let's go." Niall said as he let himself into the flat. Liam laid across the couch, his forearm shielding his puffy eyes. "I don't feel like going anymore mate." He said in a strained voice as he heard Niall's footsteps grow closer. "Y/N's coming back...and you don't want to be here." He mumbled as he stated down at his friend. Liam didn't budge, he knew you were coming home today..to move your things out. The two of them heard let's juggling outside the door, Niall's eyes stayed glued to Liam as he sat up just as you walked through the door. You stared back at him, mirroring the same puffy eyes as his. "We're leaving, sorry Y/N." Niall said giving you a sad smile, you were too focused on Liam to even hear Niall. You watched him rise off the couch, his body turned directly toward yours. "I'm not going anywhere...I..I" He Stammered his voice breaking. His eyes glazed over as he grew frustrated, not being able to collect the words he's been wanting to say to you. "I love you Y/N...and...and I know I can say I'm sorry a million and one times and you won't forgive me...but I'm in love with you...and I want us to be together..forever.." He whispered rubbing His hands over his hair. "I want you...and only you Y/N...please give me another chance." He muttered. "I'll be better." He sobbed as a few tears fell, niall stood there looking between the two of you a grown on his lips. You placed your keys on the counter, your eyes fixated on the carpet underneath your feet as you walked further into the flat. Chewing on the inside of your cheek as you silently cried, "I need to think about it Li...just give me some time...please." You whispered "Are you going to stay?" He asked sniffling and you shook your head sadly. "I'm still leaving..."

"Say something...anything..." He breathed as he continued cupping your face as he stared at your shut eyes through his blurred ones. "It was a mistake..." He whispered testing his forehead against yours. "There's no one...no one on this planet that makes me feel the way I do whenever I'm with you...look at me princess." He sobbed rubbing his thumbs into your cheeks. "Please look at me.." He begged sadly as his voice cracked. Slowly opening your eyes, you stared into his with your glazed over ones. "There's no one else for me..it's just you princess." He breathed his lips brushing chapped lips brushing against yours. "Come home..." He whispered against your lips. "Come back home with me." He muttered before pressing his lips to your fully. His lips pressed lightly to yours, parting your lips slightly he slowly deepened the kiss. "Please." He whispered into your mouth, his lips not leaving yours. "Okay.." You breathed, encircling your arms around his back as you pulled his body closer to yours. He pulled away staring at you with his bloodshot eyes, as he raised his brow. "Really?" He asked his voice filled with hope and you nodded slowly. "I..I promise nothing like this will ever happen again." He whispered genuinely pressing his lips softly to yours. "I never want this to end. I want us to be together forever."

"Can I say something?" Louis asked the boys as they all stood on stage as the show was closing and they shrugged each giving him a nod. "I know she's not here...I wish she was...but we're on a break." He said softly into the microphone. "You all know Y/N...my..I don't even know what she is to me anymore." He mumbled his lips dropping into a frown. "Lou...you really wanna do this now?" Harry asked sadly and he nodded his eyes glazing over. "I miss her...and everyday I..I just want to tell her how much I love her...." He said sniffling. "I want her to know...to know that it wasn't worth it...it wasn't worth any of it...I'd give anything to have you here with me tonight..." He whispered as tears made its way down his face. "i'm...I'm just sorry Y/N, so damn sorry..." He mumbled as he proceeded off stage and toward the back room where he continued to cry. "Lou...the phone." Niall said shuffling his feet as he held the onto the phone to him. Clearing his throat he pressed the phone to his ear. "Hello." He muttered only hearing silence for a while. "I love you too..." You said sadly into the phone. "i....I miss you Lou...just come home." You whispered as you bit down hard on your lower lip.

"The...the weddings off.." He mumbled as he stood in front of the boys, his hands shoved in the front pockets of his pants. "Where's Y/N?" Niall muttered. "She's...she's gone." Zayn choked as he fiddled with the ring in his pocket. She's not coming back..." He said sadly as his eyes stared down at his feet. He felt his eyes welling up as he continued toying with the ring in his pocket. "What happened?" Harry asked quietly a frown forming on his lips. "I...I..." Zayn stammered tears brimming his lower eyelid. Liam walked over and pulled him into an embrace, giving his back a small run. "its okay mate." He said quietly. "I cheated on her..I..I didn't mean to hurt her." Zayn whispered trying hard to keep his sobs down. "she's not coming back..." He repeated under his breath. "You don't know that, mate." Louis said softly. Zayn shook his head, as Liam released him from the embrace. "She's not...." He said fishing the ring out of his pocket and placing it on the table between them all. "I..I don't want this anymore." He muttered as he took his lower lip between his teeth as he backed out of the room. "Can..can you get did of it for me?" He asked his eyes searching the others. "Please..." He asked as more tears made their way down his cheeks.

"You don't have to move out...you can keep the flat." He muttered as he watched you putting your stuff in one of your boxes and you shook your head. "I'd rather not stay here." You said quietly grabbing a teddy bear Harry had gotten you. You stared down at it before placing it back on the dresser. "You can have that." You whispered as you felt your eyes growing a little wet. "I..I got that for you." He said running his hands through his hair and you nodded. "Yeah..I know. I don't want it anymore." You mumbled as you quickly wiped away at your eyes. "Oh..." He breathed as he sat at the edge of the bed. "Um..I guess you can toss it." He said sadly as he stared at your back. "Just like you did with our relationship..." You said quietly, but he heard you and a sigh slipped through his lips. "You know what...I'll see you around Y/N..." He said quietly standing from the bed and making his way to the door. Your tears fell as you watched him exit the room. "Just like that..you're really going to let me leave." You spoke at his back and he stopped turning around to you tears in his eyes. "What am I supposed to do Y/N.. I can't make you stay..you said you didn't want me anymore...so I'm letting you go." He said roughly running a hand through his hair. "I..I'll always want you Harry...that's my problem." You choked out and his gaze dropped from yours. "Then stay...stay with me." He mumbled as you nodded slowly. You loved him..and you were willing to look past his mistake.

So what do you guys think? This made me feel a little sad and hope you guys like it. Let me know what you guys think

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