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(3 years ago)

Day Three, Foster house 15.

Delfie sighed, lazily dragging her feet up the steps in her new "home". It stank here, of rotten wood and sad memories with a hint of mildew. She should've been used to it by now, the constant sense of disappointment, but of course she always got her hopes up.
    When she got the news from her social worker about a family in the country looking for a girl like her, she was overjoyed. She practically flew out the door of her wretched "house" her foster father called a home.

She imagined rolling hills full of the greenest grass, and flowers of all hues and shades of every colour ever. She'd imagined forests upon forests, full of critters and creatures, of all shapes and sizes, never once thinking of annegative thought. The whole thread hour drive was spent restlessly awaiting the moment of arrival. But as they finally pulled up an empty dirt lane, leading to a barren two story house that looked like it'd fall over any second, her hopes tumbled down, down, down, crashing into the rocky surface of disappointment and shattering into a million pieces of despair.

She remembered the look on the old lady's face as she stepped out the car. Her raggedy old backpack sling over on shoulder, her messy hair mused from so many times of running her hand through it. She probably looked like a homeless person with her baggy clothes and old sneakers, so battered you couldn't even see the brand logo.

"Hm. Hm, she'll do just fine, Mrs.Clairence." The lady had sad, circling Delfie with a hard glare on her old face.
Her victorian style dress was black, no adornments, just blacker than black, with her wooden cane tapping away. Her silvered hair in a tight knot on her head, her spectacles low on her long nose. She'd frowned when she caught Delfie staring.

"Come now child, where are your manners?" She'd snapped.

"S-sorry, ma'am, I am Delfie, pleasure to meet you." She said reaching out her hand for a hand shake.

The old woman stared at her, disdain all over her face. Delfie had awkwardly pulled her hand away, fidgeting as she waited.

"Well! Lovely place Ms.Black, I'm sure Delfie will be ever so helpful." The social worker said. 

  "Alright, then, goodbye deary, be good will you?" Mrs.Clairence said, turning to Delfie and embracing her in a tight very informal hug.

"I'll do my best, Ma'am." Delfie replied, hugging her tightly.

She always did her best, but no matter how hard she tried, she always messed something up. Like at the Bakers house, she'd gotten to comfortable and tried baking something for miss Baker, and ended up starting a kitchen fire, her "cake" had exploded! Then at the Thompson's place, she'd accidently let all the birds in the Aviary loose! Then just a few days ago, she'd accidently let Mr.Rods dog out too late and he never came home.

Many more incidents before those stated had happened but too many to relay here. She'd do her bestest best here, no matter what. Delfie had turned towards the old house with determination, not in the slightest but aware of what was to come, and how hard her promise would be to keep.

She'd been here three days now, waking at dawn, doing chores before, after, and during breakfast. Ms.Black wasn't too bad, she was just incredibly strict and old fashioned, really stern. Not a motherly bone in her body.

The old woman sure had a grip on her too, although it wasn't too bad with Thomas there for company. Thomas was her new foster brother, he'd arrived just three days before Delfie had, and he was ridiculous! She grew fond of him quickly though, and they became two very big trouble makers.

She'd lost count of how many times they'd gotten up to mischief, in the spaan of three days no less! Her ears had been boxed so much they were bruised!

That morning Ms.Black asked Thomas to accompany her to town for groceries, next time she'd go, for someone always had to be at the house. So now she trudged up the stairs, so bored she'd taken to talking to the walls and old portraits covering them.

"Well, I sure hope your having fun." She said as she passed a painting of a woman in a lovely ball gown, gazing at what had to be a prince, as he twirled her around a dance floor.

Delfie had always loved the idea of falling in love with a prince or princess and being whisked away to a lovely kingdom. With a grand palace, and more gowns than she could count, she'd be absolutely spoiled, but she'd stay humble. She'd walk amongst commoners, celebrate holidays with them, and gift them so many gifts they'd overflow their houses.

She'd be loved by all and she'd love all, no creature would live without under her rule. No creature have to suffer what she suffered. No one would ever die in her kingdom.

As she daydreamed, staring longingly out the window in her bedroom, she heard the door creak open.

  She startled, "Who's there?!"

  "Come help us, foolish child!" Called Ms.Black.

"Yes, coming!" She'd ran down the stairs, hiking up her stupid old fashioned dress the old woman had given her on her first day.

The many strings and skirts, and all the rules, gods Ms.Black acted like they were in the 18'th century or something!
She'd gotten used to it though, she pretended she was a lady-in-waiting to a queen.

As she helped unload the grocers from the old car, she thought how wonderful it'd be to truly be a hand maiden. Lovely, absolutely lovely. To shower someone with love and care, and watch as people oggled said person, whispering about how lovely her hand maiden had done her hair and gown.

"Oi! Get a step on it would ya?" Thomas had called.
"As if your not doing anything!" She'd called back in a joking manner.

"Of course I'm doing something, I'm supervising." He'd said, standing up straighter, with an annoying smug look on his face.

"Oh yeah, go supervise the cliffs why don't ya?" Delfie said, laughing a bit.
But suddenly a strange look passed over Thomas's face, his eyes glazed over and he turned.

"Thomas?" She'd called, walking towards him.

He didn't respond, just kept walking in the direction of the far off cliffs. On her second day Ms.Black warned them not to go near them again cause of the mighty winds there. All would be calm and woosh, down down you go.

"Thomas! Come back here now child!" Ms.Black was on the porch. She looked...worried.

Delfie had run after him, grabbing at his hand but he slung her down, "Thomas, Stop, it was just a joke!"

"Thomas!" Ms.Black cried. She'd run out to the field to help Delfie up before going after him. He never stopped.

That day, Delfie witnessed her first death, and her first murder. Thomas had walked off the cliff, just as she told him too. She'd stood frozen as she watched, as he stepped over the edge, and for a split second she thought she saw him trembling, then he was gone. Down, down, down.

Ms.Black collapsed, and she stood frozen. What had she done? She was a monster. A murder. And she didn't stop him. That day, she vowed never to speak again, no matter what.

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