Cause In Rebellion...

16 1 0

4 Days Later

September 4th 2023

Bonnie is walking round her home town and is still struggling to keep up with how different everything is. She's been seeing everyone using a thing called a cell phone and she has no idea what it is. She's so out of the loop.

She is now walking round the school while the school kids are in class. Bonnie waited until the hallways are empty so she can have a look round and see if she is ready to go back to school. Be as normal as possible. If that's even possible after what she's been through. Her heart is on tender hooks and her anxiety is through the roof. Every little thing reminds her of the madhouse.

Every little thing like...

A door slamming which sends her into a frenzy and she is so scared to look round because what if she's back there. Bonnie goes over and leans against a locker to calm her down. Her breathing going a little out of control. Then the urge to vomit comes so she vamp speeds into a bathroom and lands outside a toilet then she vomits into the toilet.

Tears roll down her face. She looks up and says to herself, to him subconsciously "I hate you, you son of a bitch! Look at what you've done to me!"

She wipes her mouth and gets out of the toilet and back into the bathroom. She then washes her hands in the sink and looks at herself in the mirror. This is the first time she has seen herself in 59 years. It's a different reflection to what was there before though.

Back in 1964 she didn't have the bags of trauma she has now...

A girl comes out of the other cubicle and asks "Who's the son of a bitch?"

"No one you'd like to know." Bonnie admits with her heart racing. She's not used to interacting with people anymore.

The girl smiles and says "Noted! What's your name?"

Bonnie feels very nervous but she answers "Bonnie Grace! What's yours?"

"Elizabeth Turner, but you can call me Buffy!" Buffy says.

"Nice to meet you." Bonnie just says, feeling nervous about talking to people.

Buffy says "Nice to meet you too."

"I was thinking of enrolling in this school actually." Bonnie looks at Buffy and asks "Do you know where I need to go?"

"Oh yea! I'll show you!" Buffy says and then the two girls go out of the bathroom and into the hallway which is now crowded. Bonnie's anxiety reaches a high level and now she is extremely scared. Being in big crowds scares her a lot now.

Elizabeth notices this and asks "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Bonnie lies. She is not fine. She is traumatised as hell and she hates big crowds...

But she is too scared to admit it.

The girls reach the office and Buffy knocks on the door. "Come in!" The enrolment leader shouts. So Bonnie walks into the door.

Bonnie looks round and Buffy says "I'll meet you when it's lunch okay?"

"Where?!" Bonnie asks.

"Outside the bathroom." Buffy responds and then leaves. Bonnie looks round and sees a thing on the desk which is foreign to her. It looks like a machine that the kids used to conspire about. Is it a robot?!

No, it's a computer and a keyboard with a clean desk to go with it. Bonnie nervously sits down and looks round. Did the kidnappers lair look like this? Bonnie asks in her head. She plays with her daylight ring. Which is a ring with a love heart symbol on it with a pink crystal.

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