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¨You was out of reach
You was at the farmer's market with your perfect peach
Now I'm in the basement, planning home invasion
Now you laying face-down, got me singing over a beat¨

Niki rose from the cold bathroom floor, touching his head because he was dealing with a slight migraine

Was that real?

well of course it was real

I think.......?

Just exactly what the hell was that, it seemed so real, but a figment of his imagination at the same time

He looked in the mirror and definitely saw himself, but there was nothing weird about it, the reflection of him was actually him

He sighed in relief and walked back to class, where he then sat in his seat and began looking out the window

Just then a tall, slim guy with a black tuxedo, shoes to match, black vintage bifocals, and hair slicked back came into the classroom with a scowl on his face as if someone took a piss in his cereal.

¨all of my daughter's classmates are eligible to come to her funeral, we haven't found her body but in the meantime, police are still on the lookout to find the sick fuck who killed my child, and when they do find him or her, I hope they die in the most tragic way ever¨ The male who Niki knew oh too well stated before walking out of the classroom

a pit of uneasiness fell into his stomach causing him to gulp in worry

The teacher went on with the lesson and before he knew it, the class was over and it was time to go home

The whole walk home just felt weird, like something was missing, like something was horribly wrong, a feeling that just won't go away

He had this sickly feeling in his stomach like he needed to puke

and well......y'know it happened

He walked inside the house, the place that was supposed to give him the most comfort, the worry-less place to be in, a place where it could make him feel like himself, turned into a gut-wrenching, toe-gripping place, that made everyone feel uneasy or sick when walking by, or even just looking at it.

Niki took off his shoes at the front and walked around in his socks, making his way towards the kitchen hoping to take the growl off of his stomach and to also make this uneasy feeling go away.

He put on some spam with rice, added a touch of seaweed, and ate, with a cold bottle of mango juice (damn I don't know how to describe shit)

That filled him up for about 30 minutes until his father came stumbling out of his room in his boxers and a dirty old tanktop with a half-drunken bottle of whiskey in his hand, hair disheveled with the stench of cigarettes and alcohol eroding from his body

"My son, how are you΅, His father said in a drunken state, taking about 5 minutes to completely finish his sentence because he was so drunk.

He thought that one day his father would die of cirrhosis of the liver, that would be a fun sight

Seeing the man who abused you, never loved you, never took care of you, always put his female toys before you, was the reason why your mother was never there, die in the slowest and most painful way ever

Avoiding the man who lived with him, he went upstairs to his room to lay down and hopefully take a nap

"Why, why would you do this to me ********, I loved you and I loved you so fucking much that I would do anything for you. I thought about building a future with you, only for me to find out that you never actually wanted me¨

He sat there looking at the two bodies who were now deceased

Thinking back to this incident, He sat back wishing that he could've killed them in another way

The male arose in a cold sweat, awaken by the constant buzzing of his phone he turned on the screen only to be almost blinded by the bright ass screen on his phone

¨damn it why didn't I turn down the brightness before I went to sleep.¨ The boy mentally cursed to himself


holy shit

yeah I decided it would be a good idea to post this today.....sorry if you read this and waited for me to come back



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