Star-Glazed #3

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Six months later.

"Ouch." Female assistant cried as she nicked her finger from the knife while helping the chef in the kitchen.

"Careful there, miss. The kinfe are called butcher's kinfe for a reason." The chef, Arjun Bhaita, said.

The woman smiled and went to the sink to wash her fingers, that instant her phone beeped. "Time to go. Sorry chef, today I was not much help to you."

There was undicepher emotion in Arjun's eyes, "you can always join me full time." He suggested.

Grey eyes peeked out to look at him intently. The woman smiled at him, "As soon as I earn the fees. I am already learning so much for free, from you, Sir." With that, she left.

"You peice of shitheads, never do anything properly. Where is your sense of working? Do all come just for your salary?" The manager was yelling. It was his everyday routine, shouting, looking down upon everyone at lunch time, it was purely harassment but staff working here were mostly in need of money, so they bear with it. As the manager's eyes landed upon the girl coming from the kitchen area, his rage leveled up. "Here comes the queen." Everyone looked at her. "What do you think, You can leave your desk anytime you want?" Manager continued, as she came nearer.

"Sir, with due respect, this was my lunch time, and I won't allow it to be ruined by you." With that said, she resumed her work without concerning about the other staff, who thought she probably had an affair with the chef.

After the manager dismissed everyone, Sana, who worked at the front desk, came complaining, "Just one more month, then I will throw my resignation letter on his face." She sighed, "Oye, Lavanya, are you even listening?" Sana asked, irritated.

"Yes, I am darling. And I can't wait to get my salary." Lavanya replied, looking for a band-aid in her bag. Learning to cut precisely with those kinfes was no child's play.

"You are just acting cocky because we all know nobody can fire you. You are fucking the owner." Sana retorted.

Lavanya snapped, "How dare you? I thought we were friends."

"We are, I am sorry." Sana sighed, "but these are not my words. That manger said this just before you came."

"Honestly", Sana started, when she saw Lavanya being silent, "I think the same. I mean not physically, but may be you are, emotionally. I don't think you should play dumb when you know that he actually likes you. Otherwise, tell me, do you think anyone had the liberty of getting free cooking lessons from him."

Lavanya sighed. She was indeed playing dumb. Acting like she didn't know that Arjun had feelings for her.

Arjun Bhatia started with a small hotel in his hometown, which he inherited from his father. He became a chef and with little investment, he opened a restaurant too. His cooking was very good and it helped in customer boost. But things changed when a few years back, a big celebrity came for shooting, they chose his hotel for stay and shoot. The hotel, it's food and the owner gained publicity as Arjun was also a very handsome man, all courtesy to social media. With all the facilities it provided, it soon became a 3-star hotel, but soon fell after the pandemic hit. Now, with moderate sales and moderate customers, it is still very popular around the neighboring cities but not like before.

Six months ago, after Lavanya Bhede completed her hospitality course, she joined this hotel as a receptionist, but Arjun's eyes caught her, and he wanted her to work with him. She refused as she didn't know how to cook, so came the present situation where he gave her cooking classes, so that she could join him.

Lavanya sat on her chair, holding her head as it started to pound. How did she land in this situation? She wanted a lowkey life, that's why she chose a small town to work. Now, with such a small experience window, where she'll find such a great work opportunity, if she decides to quiet. Sana sat beside her, putting her hands over her shoulders. She consoled her.

"What the hell, Advik? This is the fifth script you rejected in the past two months, a total of ten in these six months. Do you have any plans in returning, or are you going to follow the footsteps of your one-sided love?" Danish yelled furiously at Advik, who was relaxing on the grass field, somewhere in the countryside.
So far, he has been successful in evading media, fans, and scripts for movies. Everyone first thought that he was just joking, but six months later and no contact with the outer world, these were the most beautiful moments for him. His only source of information was Danish, who was persistent to tag along.

Without answering his friend, Advik went to start his car. "I am going to hit the nearby town. I heard there is a restaurant with fantastic food. Do you wanna go?"

Danish grumbled under his breath about what other options he had while getting in his car.

After an hour of driving, Advik reached the hotel that was owned by Arjun. He read reviews and praises about how one should definitely go there if nearby.

Danish went ahead to check in for them, under his name.

Lavanya was at the lunch room when they checked in. When she came back, the two men were already heading towards the elevator.

"Lavanya." Arjun called out from the lobby, which Advik heard it, and his legs stopped automatically. It's been a long time since he heard that name. He looked at his friend, who looked petrified, meaning he heard it too.

Advik turned around to see a man talking to a woman, who looked like his childhood love. She was even better than he would imagine in his dreams. It was no doubt she was her. She has her expressions selmon and nodding at whatever the man was saying.

He did not even know when his legs started to take him forward.

"Lavanya." He called out. The woman and the man turned to him, and both their eyes widened. The superstar, Advik Chakraborty, was in their hotel.

Arjun was first to come in his senses. He brings forward his hand to greet and welcome his prestigious guest. "Good noon, sir. I am Arjun Bhatia, the owner and host of this hotel."

Advik, who still was in trans, did not greet him. Arjun saw where his guests attention was. He and Danish cleared their throats simultaneously to break Advik's eye contact. Advik took notice of the situation and shook hands with Arjun.

He couldn't express his feelings. He wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. He was relieved but concerned at the same time.

After asking the owner to keep their stay secret, Danish managed to drag Advik to their room.

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