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I ALWAYS SAID I'D NEVER GET DOWN ON MY KNEES for a man, yet here I was doing the very thing I promised myself I'd never do.

I was ashamed to admit that my pussy was absolutely soaked and Sergio hadn't even touched me properly yet. The kiss we shared was short lived but so saccharine and addictive.

Now I wanted more, yearning for his touch. Wanting him to alleviate the ache between my legs. He looked down at me, his eyes dark with hunger and raw desire.

He placed his index finger underneath my chin and used his thumb to pry my lips open, smudging my lipgloss in the process. He ran his thumb along the bottom lip so gently, which was a huge contrast compared to the way he roughly pushed me onto the ground.

"Look at you now. On your fucking knees for me." His gaze dropped to my breasts and my breathing became heavier than it already was. "You're so beautiful. I'll say it to you over and over again."

My heart stopped for a second. The sound of him praising me drove me insane. He looked at me like I was the only woman in the world and I wondered how we even got to this point.

"And you're so, so handsome." I said softly, my words making him smile from ear to ear.

He was still fully clothed but that quickly changed when he began to undress right in front of me. My head was level with his pelvis and I watched as he peeled each layer of clothing off his body one by one until he was left fully naked in front of me.

Now I could see all of the tattoos on his toned, muscular arms and chest. There were so many and I definitely wanted to take a closer look to see what kind of designs there were but then my focus shifted to something else.

His dick was hard and leaked pre cum. He was beyond gifted, enough girth and length to ensure that I felt him inside of me for days. I licked my lower my lip and then bit down on it. His body was rock solid, the definition was prominent. It was evident that he definitely worked out.

His biceps were large and his chest was well toned. Even his legs were muscular, this man probably didn't have any fat on his body. My eyes lingered on his abdomen, I wanted to kiss every single peck and run my tongue along the ridges.

My hair that he'd gathered in his hand was yanked backward roughly, making me look up at him. "What do you want Aaliyah?" He asked lowly, darkness brewing in his hazel brown eyes. The calm before the storm.

"I want you."

I watched as Sergio stilled, all of his restraint was gone. I could sense it. "Open up." He demanded and I happily obliged.

He guided his dick into my mouth and I wrapped my lips around it, he was only halfway in but my mouth was already full. I looked up at him, watching as his eyebrows furrowed.

He sighed loudly before withdrawing, a string of saliva formed and I got even wetter at the sight. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're backing out professor."

"I'm giving you the opportunity to take in as much air as you possibly can because you're going to need it." He used both hands to hold my head in place and then slid his dick back inside of my mouth, this time I wrapped my hands around the base. "Now fucking suck."

And I did just that, hollowing my cheeks to suck him. I ran my tongue underneath his dick and he groaned, gripping my hair tightly. His eyes closed and he tossed his head back.

I sucked and slurped, saliva dripping down my chin while I worked on pleasing the filthy mouthed professor. When he looked down at me, I could see the change in his body language and facial expression.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now