Chapter 3

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3rd person POV

"Hey...hey... you're alright, I'm here, you're okay. what's wrong, baby? what happened?"

" l..l...lewft me. lewft awll awone."

"Hey, I'm here, I'm always here. who left you, baby bee? who was it?"

Tubbo sniffles and lets out a loud sob.

" *hiccup* parents and l...lani"

"Hey, hey, let's take a few deep breaths to calm down, bug"

"in......... and out....."

they repeat this a few times until the three older ones decide that Tubbo is calm enough to continue the conversation.

"Oh, baby, when did they leave? do you know when they'll get back?"

"Wast week and i dunno wen dey coming home."

"So, bug, you've been home, by yourself, for a week?" this comes from Phil, who face shows evident worry for the child. Tubbo nods. the next question comes from Ranboo, who is equally as worried but is hiding it from the older two.

"Why didn't you talk to us, to me and toms, we could have helped."

"didn't wanna seem anoyin, fouht you'd no wanna be my fren if i as too much of ou"

"Oh, toby, you could never be too much, little one, we all love and care for you, I'll be speaking to your parents when they get home too."

"NO, ou... ou can do dat, dey'll, dey'll get mads at me, an dey'll stop me fwrom seein ou an i don wanna, dey'll tewll me offs an I'll be gwounded an i won be abwle to speak to ou or wanboo or toms or wilwby or techi or...or...or..."

"Why will they tell you off, bud?" Phil asks. his facial expressions show how mad he's getting, he's pissed with Tubbo's parents and you can tell.

"Cause dey tol me no to tewl anyon cause de powice wiwll take me an lani away fwrom dem and dat would be mean to lani, dey been tewllin me dis since i was 'bout 8, when dey used to go owt on day twrips wif lani an weve me at howm on my own"

"SINCE YOU WERE EIGHT?" Phil's super pissed now.

"Hey you'll scare the little"

"But they've left him home ALONE since he was eight, EIGHT. Kristen, we wouldn't even leave tommy home alone for a day when he was fourteen, let alone EIGHT."

"i know, but you're scaring the child, phil. I know how you feel about this, but now is not the time to be yelling" she looks to the child in her arms and smiles though.

"Mama?" he points to her. she looks like she could burst into tears any second now.

"Yes, baby?"

"Mama, i hungy"

"What would you like to eat, we brought your favourite foods with us."

"Mmmm, i dunno mama."

"Okay, let me know when you know what you'd like"

"Hey, bud, how old are you feeling?"

Phil's question went unanswered for a few minutes. until the little holds up two fingers, then three, then two again.

"it's okay if you don't know bub"

"dada" he points to Phil, "mama," then to Kristen, "baba," then to Ranboo.

"Yeah, thats right baby" as he says this, Phil takes the little into his arms and hugs him.

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