BL Cannibal Prompt

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Alejandro had always been fascinated by humans. As a child, he would watch them with confused fascination as they went about their lives. Their expressions were so full of emotion, it was like seeing the world for the first time. He never understood what they said, but that didn't stop him from trying to figure it out.

He grew up in a small town in Mexico, and his parents were suspicious of anyone else but themselves. Alejandro spent most of his time alone at home, watching TV or reading books about other cultures and their customs. One day he stumbled upon a documentary about cannibalism and it blew his mind. He had never heard of such a thing before and was fascinated by the idea of consuming human flesh.

One night, after absorbing all he could find on cannibalism online, Alejandro made up his mind to try it out for himself. Gathering some food he knew would be enough to satisfy his hunger, Alejandro set out into the night. As he walked through town, peering into windows until he found an unlucky victim willing to serve him dinner, Alejandro felt euphoric with power over someone else. He eagerly awaited each unsuspecting victim's arrival at home so that he might revel in their delicious flesh...until one night when something stopped him in his tracks: It wasn't fear or intimidation that held him back this time.

Matthew Dean. The boy who unknowingly became his next victim.


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