🌹 The Mole and The Scroll

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Author's Note: This story (unknown date) I wrote sometime between 2003-2005 based on my handwriting style on the paper. Since this story was written when I was a child, it's geared towards young children. Therefore, I decided to leave it in that same style with minimal edits. I hope this is not cringeworthy LOL It's definitely written differently from the others but I hope you enjoy it all the same <3

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One day a mole found a scroll. And then an owl flew over town to tell everyone all about it. But they did not understand what Owl was saying. So he told his friends and they understood what he said.

His friends said, "We've got to tell Mole that that isn't his. Because it belongs to Turtle."

And so, Rabbit was chosen to tell Mole this. As Rabbit was on his way home, he saw Mole and told him about the scroll.

But Mole replied, "Finders keepers. Losers weepers."

But Rabbit said, "That's wrong. It belongs to Turtle."

You see, Turtle was Mole's very best friend. So Mole agreed to return the scroll back to Turtle.

Since it was also Turtle's birthday, Mole and Rabbit planned the party. When Turtle turned on the lights when he got home, they all yelled "Happy Birthday, Turtle!"

Turtle smiled - he was so happy his friends remembered his birthday! And so, after he opened all his gifts, Mole handed him his present. It was a box wrapped in a big red bow. When Turtle opened it, he couldn't believe his eyes. It was the scroll he had lost!

He said, "Mole, you found my scroll!"

And Mole replied, "I was going to keep it. But I knew that was wrong when Rabbit said it was yours. I hope you can forgive me, Turtle."

Most would be angry at Mole for taking the scroll. But Turtle had a big heart and knew his friend was sorry.

"I forgive you, Mole. We all make mistakes. Besides, you're my best friend! I never want to lose that."

And so, they all lived happily ever after.

The End.

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