What happenend to you part one

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Miles took off with Ivana. The next thing she remembered was being tossed in to a dark room. and then everything went black. She woke in the dark room she looked around and noticed a big door made of a mix of imperial gold and celestial bronze and by the power radiating off it she could tell it was heavily enchanted. she went to move and then found that she was chained to a chair that was screwed into the ground. Then a cold voice said your not getting out of here until you raise Kronos. Miles let me go please you have to stop I don't want to hurt you and I know some were in you the old Miles is still alive. Miles flinched no he said shakily. I know you would never hurt he Miles. I might not be able to but I have friends who can and then he left. A little later a boy and two girls came into the room. so said the boy Miles said you won't talk we'll tell you what your messing with. I'm Daniel son of Apollo and blessed by Aphrodite. and this he said pointing to a girl with long blond hair with streaks of green is Ivy Daughter of Gaea blessed by Demeter. and this he said pointing to a girl with black hair with blood red highlights is scarlet daughter of ares blessed by hades. very nice Ivana said uninterested. Daniel noticed ice creeping it's way up Ivana's chains. and her quickly melted the ice with the power of the sun. It seems that we haven't intimidated her enough yet said Daniel. Go Ivy and all of a sudden long vines had grabbed hd of Ivana's chair. and then the ground rumbled and the chair came free of the ground the chains breaking Ivana stood up only to be graves by vines that pulled her up to the ceiling. your turn Daniel shouted Ivy. the two girls left the room. relax Daniel commanded he could see her struggling against his charm speak but his was so powerful that even if her mind would not do what he wished her body would. Good he said. she realized what was happening she couldn't stop her self from obeying him that is what Aphrodite spiffily gifted him with and she couldn't do any thing about it.

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