Chapter 11: suspicions grow

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Chapter 11: suspicions grow

It was most definitely panicking time.

Sans couldn't simply dissuade Papyrus from talking to Hermione- they were friends, and Papyrus wasn't the most... popular back in Snowdin. Hermione would also likely pester Papyrus more and more until he caved, she seemed quite determined to figure out this "mystery" around Sans.

Sans got up off of his couch, walking over to Papyrus and Hermione.

"Heya, Howzitgoin guys?" Sans asked nonchalantly.

Hermione maintained a good poker face, but the quick movements of her eyes gave away her panic, "uh, it's going alright. Just wanted to ask Papyrus about some things- like your home! You never really spoke about it at all- where do you come from?"

Sans winked at her, "where do we come from? Well, when a mother and a father be-"

"UGH, Sans, come on! I mean your home, where is your home?"

"Snowdin. Nice place, really cold but that never bothered me much."

Hermione blinked, likely suspicious of Sans answering her questions so easily.

"And... where is Snowdin?" She asked after a moment.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard about it- being the studious person who somehow memorized every rule at the school- I mean, you must be living under a rock or something!"

Papyrus snorted softly, "You see, Sans, that's the kind of pun I like! One that needs at least some wit! Not your tasteless skeleton puns!"

Sans winced mentally, but it was unlikely that Hermione would put any stock in the mention of the word "skeleton", or the connection with the Underground.

The conversation went on as normal after that, the rest of their friend group joining them for homework and conversation before they went to the Great Hall for dinner. Hermione looked like she was about to explode with questions, but in the presence of others, didn't mention anything.

. . . .

The weekend passed by slowly for Sans, who was preoccupied with his magic training. He had discovered an abandoned classroom that was out of the way and prefect for practicing all manner of spells- he needed to control his magic better. Sans had a very high amount of magic compared to most other monsters, due to several factors. Firstly, his genetics: his father was Gaster, who was the great-great grandson of the first Lich. Secondly, his status: Sans had, at the age of 11, 1000 HP total. An incredibly large sum, due once again to his genetics, and the fact that he had inherited his Father's boss-monster trait. Thirdly, due to... extenuating circumstances that he would rather not talk about, Sans' DT levels and physical mass levels were extraordinarily high. And lastly, Sans was blessed with not one, but two Eyes.

Eyes, not in the sense of an eyeball, but in the sense of the Eye itself. Skeletons are, by nature, powerful monsters, but their attacks are usually only limited to bones, and rarely, blue magic. However, every once in a while, perhaps one out of one thousand skeletons, an individual would be blessed with one of the Eyes.

There are six Eyes in practicality, with there being a theorized seventh Eye of determination. Each Eye represents one of the soul colors and traits, and grants the user of that Eye immense power and skills based on the soul colors. If one had, for example, a Blue eye, they could use powerful Blue Magic, other than simple weight addition. In addition, they could access weaker green and purple magics, as those are offshoots of Blue.

Sans, however, was not merely blessed with one Eye, but two. The eye of Gravity and the eye of Truth- Yellow and Blue. This, as well as his artificial Red Eye, gifted to him through the power of Determination, gave Sans power over every facet of magic imaginable. The only issue with this being that using any eye other than Yellow or Blue greatly drains him of his magic and strength.

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