You Want Me To Babysit

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Midoriya grumbled to himself as he made his way through an underground labyrinth. With every turn, he could feel himself growing more and more annoyed. The reason for his annoyance wasn't just because of the endless and unnecessarily complex layout, but also because he had been called in on his day off. His "friend", Kai Chisaki, had called him in because he had some sort of assignment. Normally, Midoriya would have told him to shove it, but his comment about gramps left him with no choice.

When Midoriya finally reached the room he was looking for, he found Kai sitting on the couch with his right hand man, Kurono, standing behind him. Midoriya narrowed his eyes as he approached them.

"What's with the new look Kai?"

Kai leaned back as he interlocked his fingers. "I go by Overhaul now."

Midoriya raised an eye at him. "Call yourself whatever you want. Now what's with the new look?"

Kai sighed as he leaned forward. "I thought it would be fitting since I'm now the new leader of the Shie Hassaikai."

Midoriya looked him over again. Kai usually wore an all black outfit consisting of pants and dress shirt with a skinny, gray tie, along with his black face mask and white gloves. His new look kept the base, but he added in a dark olive green bomber jacket that had a thick purple collar. He also switched out his black face mask for a magenta plague mask with gold accents.

"I think your fashion sense needs work. Now what's this about you being the new boss? Last I checked, gramps hasn't kicked the bucket."

Kai motioned for Midoriya to sit down, which Midoriya reluctantly did. "Pops is in a coma, so until he's better I'm acting head."

"You're a scientist, why don't you just use your quirk and fix what's wrong?"

"I told Pops that I was going to bring the Yakuza back to glory, once I've done that I'll fix him."

Midoriya sent a glare at Kai and Kurono. "Don't tell me this has to do with your grand master plan."

Kai returned the glare. "And what if it does?"

Midoriya sighed as he relaxed into his chair. "Because it's crazy: you want to use a little girl's blood to fund an entire drug monopoly. We both know gramps wouldn't allow that."

"Pops isn't in charge now, I am, so I'm going to put this plan into motion. We've already started testing the drug and soon we'll be able to distribute the samples to get people interested. Once that happens we can sell the full product as well as a cure- the Yakuza will once again rule the underworld."

"You're gonna get everyone killed, or sent to jail."

Kai shook his head. "As long as everyone does their part right, there will be no issues."

"And what exactly is my part? I'm guessing it's safe to assume that's the 'important job' you have for me."

Kai leaned in slightly. "There's two things I need you to do. The first is to fulfill your role as one of the Eight Bullets."

Midoriya sighed. "What exactly does that involve?"

"Your side hobby will come in handy for this, we need supporters and avenues for creating and dispensing the drug."

Midoriya sucked his teeth as he listened to Kai's first job. Even though he couldn't see it because of the mask, he knew there was a shit eating grin under it.

"Alright, then what's the second job?"

Kai's tone turned even more serious as he sat upright. "I want you to watch over Eri from now on."

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