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Very First Movie Date!! Will one of them Confess??

Warning: Adorableness

Enjoy Darlings! 🤗

    --(Muichiro POV)--
     Genya asked me out!! Tonight, at the movies. Holy Genya asked me out- Maybe after the movies we could hang out! Luckily it is the weekend. I dropped my bag in the basket near the door and walked past the kitchen and living room and started up the stairs.
    "Where do you think you're going?" Mom said, she was sitting on the couch on her phone, still looking at me. Yuichiro was sitting on the ground in front of her. Oh right, I walked over and sat next to my brother.
    "So boys, how were your day's?" Mom asked, setting down her phone and looking at the both of us, smiling her normal smile.
   "Mine was ok." I said, I decided to leave out the fact that I was just asked out by my best friend. Or Boyfriend? But he hasn't confessed- yet- So excited!
   "Meh. It's school, how good can it really get?" Yuichiro asked, he was studying me though, I think he noticed my sudden change of mood, twins are like that. Mother nods and dismisses us. We both scamper back up the stairs and into our own separate bedrooms.
I plopped down on my bed and instantly grabbed my phone, searching for Genya's number. I was looking through our texts and I heard a knock on my door.
   "Come in!" I yelled. Yuichiro opened the door and looked at me. Great, what does he want?
   "What are you doing with Genya?" He asked glaring at me. Shoot. Of course he knew.
  "I don't know what you're talking about." I huffed. He sighed,
  "Oh come on you basically exploded when mom asked you how your day was." He said, looking at me. I went silent.
  "I'll cover for you if you cover for me." He said suddenly sitting down on my bed holding out his pinkie. Wh- Huh?
  "You? Being asked out on a date?" I questioned looking at him. He shook his head violently,
 "Nononono- I stole some of Dad's coffee and have decided I wanna live another week soo. . ." He looked behind him going silent. I laughed, Dad loves his coffee, anyone who takes his coffee is an instant foe. Only Mom is allowed sips, SIPS of it.
  We shook pinkie's and agreed, he'd cover up for me if I covered up for him. Well more, I took his side when he told Dad it wasn't him who drank the coffee. He then nodded and left my room slamming his own door. I picked my phone back up, 7:19?? Crap! It starts at 8:30!!
  I jumped out of my bed and stumbled into my closet, what to wear. . . What to wear?!?? I rummaged through my closet eventually just deciding on a nice light teal baggy hoodie, and black leggings. Basic, but I think it's cute.
  I packed a little bag, in case I was camping at his place afterwards. 7:56, I better get moving if I wanna meet up with him and get there in time.
  Mom was in the kitchen making dinner. . . . Hopefully Yuichiro could come up with something she'd believe in as to why I would miss dinner. . . . I was able to sneak out the front door, I didn't know where Dad was though.
As I stepped outside and started into the front yard, I saw a light down the street, dad's car. Crap, I darted behind our house and jumped over the fence we had. It was a small fence- So I couldn't really celebrate jumping over a big fence. I cut through this house's yard and was now walking on the sidewalk. 8:02, cool. I walked down the street a bit until I noticed a familiar figure, Genya!
He was standing against one of the light poles and was staring at his phone, he seemed anxious. I decided to creep up behind him, in his blind spot. I stood on my tip toes and whispered,
      "Hiiii~" He jumped forward and looked at me then laughed.
     "You can be so quiet sometimes it creeps me out-" He said.
     "Well I need to be, to sneak up on my enemies!" I boasted. He laughed again and held out his hand. He's offering me his hand? I get to hold his hand! I happily took it and smiled at him, he smiled too. We walked a little bit and surprisingly we reached it quickly. Don't even know how we went from our town to this main area. Wasn't complaining.
    "Alright! Purchased the tickets online, we can just go in." He said he walked forward sorta dragging me behind, I had to slightly walk faster to keep up with him. I don't mind it though, I thought it was cute. We went to get snacks, which I did offer to pay but he said no and even made me wait farther away so I wasn't tempted to pay.
    "Blue Raspberry Icee?" He said putting it on my head, still holding it of course.
   "Yep! What'd you get?" I said taking my Icee from him and taking a sip. He held out a big bag of popcorn and a coke. He nodded his head toward the clock, 8:26. Perfect timing, we walked together down the hall and into a theater. We were the only ones there, how lucky! I love it when we're the only ones, it means we can be loud and even get up and walk. We picked our seats in the back halfway up, we were in the middle of the row.
   "Nice that no one's here right?" I asked, looking at Genya. He was already looking at me, but he nodded and seemed to look forward thinking about
   Meh, just thinking about the movie or something. . . I forgot what we were watching but I didn't want to ask him or offend him because he seemed excited to watch it.

GENMUIII   --One Shot's and Random Crap-- (Muichiro x Genya)Where stories live. Discover now