💚💖 Continued! :D YuiSenj/SenjYui 💖💚

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This is a continuation of the little beginning SenjYui skit that


made, they started it and I'll finish it! So uh enjoy, and please tell me if I did something wrong 😭

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-(Third Person)-
Ship: SenjYui, YuiSenj
Warning!: Cuteness / Slight Swearing

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'That's right, Senjuro had asked Yuichiro if he would----'


take him to the park. Not any park, the park they would always go to, just them.

It was their park, they always went there together. They'd go there after a fight with their family. Perhaps Senjuro couldn't stand his father and had to go get a breather, maybe Yuichiro got into a fight with his precious younger twin brother.

Whatever it was, that was their park trip. Senjuro clung to Yuichiro's arm, excited to go. Yuichiro let out a sigh and very loudly rolled his eyes.

"We walking, or are we forcing your brother to drive us?" Yuichiro asked, he was very annoyed that Senjuro decided to cling onto his arm.

Senjuro just shrugged, and hurriedly ran to the front door. Still clinging on to Yuichiro's arm, dragging him slightly to the door. That really pissed off Yui, but he really couldn't stay mad at Senjuro for long. In fact he almost never got mad at Senjuro. Which was odd, he had no problem yelling at his brother, or the annoying kids at school.

Senjuro flung open the door, letting go of Yuichiro's arm and stepping outside. Taking a deep breath and smelling the sunny air. Yuichiro just stared at him with a bored expression, then turned around.

"IM HEADING OUT! DONT BURN THE FUCKING HOUSE DOWN MUI!" Yuichiro called out into the house.

"NO PROMISES!" A voice called back from upstairs, assuming it was Muichiro's voice.

"Hey no swearing, it's not nice." Senjuro reminded Yuichiro as he stepped outside slipping on one of his shoes. Yuichiro just shrugged, closing the big front door. He stopped and stood next to Senjuro.

The pair stood there for a second, just enjoying the sun. Senjuro took the first couple of steps and then started walking down the pathway. Yuichiro followed him after a minute.

"Guess we're walking?" Yuichiro asked, catching up to Senjuro. Yuichiro was only a little bit taller than Senjuro, but he consisted mostly of legs so he often was faster when they walked together. Yuichiro had his arms behind him resting his head on his hands, he sighed with a bored expression.

"Yeah sorry, brothers at a job interview." Senjuro responded looking at the ground. He sounded a little nervous. Yuichiro picked up on his nervousness and lowered his arms. Patting Senjuro on the back.

"Don't worry I'm sure he'll get the job." Yuichiro told Senjuro, trying to sound reassuring.

"I hope so, we really need the money to help mom since dad won't do anything. He practically spends all of our money on alcohol. Kyojuro is already working two other jobs, I really want to help, I do- but he said I should focus more on my school studies. . . ." Senjuro ranted, he even waved his hands in front of him, emphasizing his father's drinking problem.

Yuichiro looked at the younger boy and sighed. He stopped walking, they both did. He patted his head,

"You help around the house right? I'm sure that takes some weight off your brothers shoulders. He's probably happy that you're still in school." Yuichiro said, ruffling Senjuro's hair. Senjuro smiled.

"I always tell him thank you." Senjuro said smiling up at the sky. They continued to walk forward.

"Trust me that's enough." Yuichiro said, following his gaze up to the sky. Senjuro looked at Yuichiro confused. Yuichiro only looked at him and smiled,

"A thank you goes a long way. Not only does he do all that for your parents, he does it for you." Yuichiro said, poking Senjuro lightly on the forehead. Senjuro smiled at Yuichiro and whispered a quiet thank you.

"Oh don't go thanking me, you'll make me all soft and squishy" Yuichiro scoffed, jumping in front of them. He laughed, and Senjuro just laughed harder and began chasing after the older boy.

They chased each other all the way to the park. They didn't even notice they arrived, too busy laughing and trying to tag each other. Despite being not little kids anymore, they still loved playing the simple game of tag.

"Hey wait what! That's not fair! You have longer legs than me, I can't get up there!" Senjuro whined out of breath, watching as Yuichiro jumped on one of the railings and climbed into the roof of one of the play structures.

"Oof. That sounds like a you problem, shorty." Was the only thing Yuichiro said, not even a sigh, or an eye roll. Senjuro scoffed and crossed his arms, turning to look away.

But that's when it dawned on Senjuro,

"Wait- get down what if you fall and get hurt?!" He said letting his arms fall to his sides. Yuichiro only raised an eyebrow. He stood up, balancing. He crept closer to the edge and sat down dangling his legs off.

"WAIT! Nononono! Don't jump! I know that look, please don't!" Senjuro called out, he was waving his arms in the air.

Yuichiro slid off of the play structure roof, and plopped down onto the ground landing on his feet. He winced but otherwise seemed ok.

Senjuro however, went ballistic. Rushing over to him and instantly making sure he was ok. Almost screaming bloody murder.

Yuichiro almost panicked seeing Senjuro freak out, but reassured him he was ok.

"DON'T DO THAT! WHAT IF YOU FELL AND DIEDDD?!" Senjuro scolded him. Yuichiro felt a little bad, but was mainly annoyed he was being scolded. Yuichiro just scoffed and hugged Senjuro.

Senjuro froze and blushed, he didn't expect to be hugged.

"Shut up. You're acting like the yellow dude." Yuichiro said, gently bonking him on the head. They took a step away from each other. Senjuro frowned, making an upset face.

"I am not acting like Zenitsu. I'm way more polite and dignified than he is." Senjuro said, putting a hand on his chest dramatically.

Yuichiro raised his eyebrows with a blank face expression,

"Well im so sorry then, sir." He said bowing slightly. Senjuro just put his hands on his hips and nodded his head. Yuichiro laughed and Senjuro quickly panicked and took his normal stance.

Yuichiro continues to laugh, laughing so hard he layed on the ground wheezing. Senjuro now just looked at him concerned.

"I don't think me simply being dramatic could have made you laugh that hard." Senjuro said, sitting next to the dying Yuichiro.

They both sat, well sat and laid there. The sun began to set, letting gorgeous violet shades of purple spread across the sky.

Senjuro looked up to the sky, letting out a little gasp of awe. Yuichiro tilted his head up enough to look as well. He rolled over so he was now on his back. He smiled up at the sky. Or really he was smiling at Senjuro.

The two boys continued to watch the sunset, the gorgeous violet orange colors fading to a dark, subtle, navy blue. . . .


^^ I intended it to be a bit shorter, but I think this is ok! It was a bit hard writing their personalities since I'm so used to Muichiro and Genya but hopefully this is ok 😅

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