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It was still dawn when you saw yoongi panicking while talking to someone over the phone.

It wasn't the first time.

This has been happening a lot recently.

You would often wake up from your slumber only to find yoongi with that kind of situation.

You got really curious so you asked him one day what was going on. He just told you it was nothing and to just not worry about it.

You didnt questioned him anymore.

You have this full trust on him.

Sure, why not? You two have been together for almost 3years now. Yes, you two are living together. But still no legal action. You two aren't married yet.

You are sure enough that the one you want to marry would be suga, but you dont know about him.

He's a pure work-a-holic. You always thought that he'd rather work than get married and be tied up! Yeah, that's how obssess he is when it comes to work.

But since you have trust on him, you believe that one day, he'll ask you to marry him.

You are just in the middle of your sleep when you heard someone murmuring.

Again, it was only yoongi. You already know. You dont need to check anymore.

More days passed and same thing happened everynight.

You checked the date. It was suppose to be you and yoongi's 4th year anniversary.

But he's not around.

"Maybe he's at his work again...'

You thought that makes you sad.

But still... Even you feel disappointed... You still manage to make something for suga.

You know how much he loves sleeping but he was not able to sleep very well the few weeks because of something he's managing over the phone.

So, you decided to make a knitted sweater for him.

You were so excited. You waited patiently for him.

1 hour .....

2 hours.....

3 hours....

Still no sign of suga.

You were so disappointed. You thought that maybe he forgot about your anniversary already.

Le sigh.

You just decided to take a sleep and not wait for yoongi anymore.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

You slightly opened your eyes and reached for your phone.

'Hey sweetie, come out. Go to our garden.'

It's a message from suga.

Dug. Dug. Dug.

You feel your heart palpitating again.

You did as said. You went out and there... You found your man. Your one and only. The only man you loved.

He was shinning there.... Literally. He was shinning for you.

He was holding flowers.

You smiled...

Because upon seeing him and what he's doing... You knew.

You already knew that he remembered your anniversary.

The ordinary garden transformed into a romantic place.

There are petals everywhere. There are colorful lights that matches the shinning stars lying in the sky.

And the fact that Suga is there... Smiling at you... Looking only at you... That's what makes it even more romantic.

He walked near you. He handed you the flowers which you gladly took.

You two dance at the solemn music he played at his phone.

Your hands on his shoulders. His on your waist.

'So...' You started.. 'Where were you the whole day? /pouts/ i was waiting for you. I thought---'

He cuts you off with a kiss.

'I waited for the right timing to prepare all this. When you were doing something inside, I took the opportunity to do this.'

'Oh yeah... Before i forgot...'

You went inside the house and got your present for him.

'Here...' He smiled and took your gift.

'Thanks, sweetie' he hugs you even more tighter.

'So... How was work?'
'Its fine.'

Hmmmm... Silence. Then... Aha!

'Can I ask you something?'

'Yes.' He replied.

'Who were you talking to the phone?'


He stops.... And smiles. And pulls something to his pocket.

Oh good lord. Can it be?

'I was aways at the phone with my hyungs... I was asking for their opinions. I dont know if you'll like this but here....'

He opened the box and revealed a ring with bits of diamonds in it forming a heart.

'Oh my god! I love it!' You exclaimed.

He chuckles and kneel downs...

Your heart stops for a moment there.

He gathered his guts and finally spoke...

'Will you.... Marry me?' He asks nervously.

You kneel as well and hugged him.
'Yes, sweetie. Youre like the best boyfriend ever so how can I refuse?'

'Really?' He then again chuckles and put the ring on your ring finger.

'I love you with all my heart...' He stated.

'And I love you too.'

And with the romantic ambiance- you both kissed full of love.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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