Chapter 1

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I was walking down the empty, quiet road by myself. All I had was my machete, pistol, and the clothes on my back. Alone. That's what I was. My brother and I got separated when shit hit the fan. I looked for him for weeks, but it was like he just disappeared.
Killing. That's what this world has come to. Stabbing the geeks in the brain. In this world, it's kill or be killed. And sadly enough, people are more dangerous then the things trying to eat you. Within in minutes. Seconds. A group could come by and take everything you have. Food, clothes, weapons, supplies. And then you have nothing. Your defenseless, and you die. A slow, painful death.
I've been held up in this old cabin in the woods. Yah, I know. Typical horror movie setting right there. But, we're living in a horror movie. I was heading back from a supply run I took into the city. It's risky, because basically the entire city is dead. Gone. Atlanta is the most dangerous place to be now. You could be torn apart in seconds.
That run was a bust. Nothing left. And the places that were worth trying, were over run with the dead.
As I was contemplating my many thoughts on life, I heard something in the distance. A car alarm sounding. That could only be two things. Survivors or a herd.
I quickly darted across the street, not bothering to look both ways. That was a mistake. As I was half way across, a car came to a fast halt 1 foot away from me. A red sports car being driven by a Chinese kid that could be no older than me.
I stood there wide eyed, staring at the car that almost ended my walking privileges. And sure enough, alarms blaring.
The kid slowly exited the car, almost immediately throwing his hands up to cover his ears.
"Wow! A lot louder outside, ain't it?" He stated.
"What the hell are you doin'?" I screamed, "Your gonna attract all the geeks!"
"I don't know how to make it stop!" He screamed back, just as loud. "I'm Glenn, by the way." He stated, sticking his hand out in front of him.
"Right now ain't the time for introductions. Your gonna get us killed!" I took in his appearance. He was Chinese, possibly Asian. Couldn't be over 25 years old. And he was sporting a baseball cap.
"Well, like I said, I don't know how to stop it." He muttered.
I walked over to the car and popped open the hood. Digging my hand around in the engine, I finally grasped the alarm. Pulling with everything I had, I finally managed to detach the device from the vehicle.
I smirked to my self, looking up to see him staring back at me with a shocked face. "Quit your gawkin' boy, didn't your momma ever tell you it's rude to stare?" I asked, still smirking.
"That-that was amazing! It's like you-you- wow!" He screamed.
"Yah, yah take a picture it lasts longer." I muttered to myself. "Sabrina." I said, sticking my arm out in a friendly gesture.
He returned it with a firm grip. "Glenn," he replied, "but, you already knew that."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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