❅ | #15

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"BYE, Eunhee!" Haerin smiled, hugging the girl tightly before stepping away.

"Bye! Text me when you all get home, okay?" Eunhee titled her head, earning many mixed responses and waved goodbye as the five girls took off down the halls of her apartment complex, heading into the elevator.

Once her friends had officially gone out of sight, she stepped back into her apartment and closed her front door, letting out a sigh as she suddenly felt empty without the liveliness of her friends.

Pressing her lips together in a thin line, she quickly shrugged it off, knowing she'd get used to the quietness in no time, like she always did.

Heading back into her living room, she plopped down onto her bed and reached for her phone which was currently set on her bedside table. If she was being completely honest, she was quite scared to get on her phone. She hadn't been on it at all after the events earlier on in the morning.

In fact, she had ended up going straight back to sleep after everything had happened in a successful attempt at taking her mind off of things. However, it didn't last for long as everything quickly came rushing back to the top of her mind once she woke up for the second time.

With a small breath, Eunhee unlocked her phone and looked at her notifications, seeing 9+ from the group chat she was added into by Jungwon, rather known as "shin ramen lovers 😍🤞🍜"

Aswell as 3 notifications from Jungwon himself. She wasn't going to lie, her heart felt as if it was beating abnormally fast at the mere thought of the boy.

She couldn't stop thinking about what the six boys had said.

Eunhee was confused with her own feelings. She didn't know exactly what she felt, having never experienced any romantic feelings in her eighteen years of living.

She was a shy kid growing up, so she never really talked to people enough to be able to develop any kind of feelings for them.

So, she had know idea what they actually felt like.

Her fingers hovered over Jungwon's notification, before hesitantly pressing down onto it and watching as it led her to her private messages with him.


jungwon ! :D

today, 8:49am.

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