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unknown number

today, 3:09pm.

unknown number

jungwon asked her to prom

unknown number
are you serious rn

tell me you're joking

unknown number
i wish i was

unknown number
and how did you find out

unknown number
my locker is next to her friend's locker

i heard her and her friends talking about it

unknown number
they didn't see you, did they?

unknown number

and even if they did, they wouldn't suspect a thing

i haven't done anything at all to any of them

literally never spoken a word to any of them bro

unlike a certain idiot

unknown number
okay damn i was just making sure

unknown number
i'm actually so pissed off rn you don't even understand

choi eunhee ruins everything

unknown number
for once, i actually agree with you on something

unknown number
stfu you idiot

unknown number
someone's mad

unknown number

you have a brain

are you still on school grounds??

unknown number

i left almost immediately

unknown number
the one time i actually want to see you

ditto | yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now