Ch. 14 "Harold!"

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"Shit. Shit!" Harry heard in between dreams "Fuck!" He groaned and opened his eyes slowly stirring awake. "Whuu...?" He blinked a couple times and then heard running steps coming closer.

Louis appeared on the doorframe with his hair wild and his glasses nearly falling off his nose. He grinned. "Hey, love. Gotta run. It's late" he said and moved closer to kiss Harry's messy curls.

"Do you want me to get you lunch?" Harry asked with his voice raspy as he rubbed his eyes.

"That'd be great, actually" Louis said grinning and kissed his lips briefly. "Gotta run, now." He said as he walked out the room. "Love you!" He shouted from the other side of the apartment before the door was slammed close.

Harry froze on his spot. What? He wondered if he was still sleeping. He laid back on his bed and pulled up the blankets to his chin. "He loves me" he said softly to himself. His cheeks dented and his teeth showed. He closed his eyes tightly and sighed. "He loves me" he said this time louder.

The sheets still smelled like Louis cologne, he flopped onto his tummy and burrowed his face into his pillow with a happy sigh. Louis smelled so delicious and tasted marvellously as well. He almost felt as if Louis was still there. The man that loved him. Oh, and of course he loved him back. He was just so shy, he didn't want to scare Louis away because he was so perfect and now he knew his feelings were reciprocated. He chuckled. There he was squealing like a girl and rolling on his bed like a dog that was being praised with affection, he was such a loser.

Eventually he got the enough strength to get up. He skipped to the tiny bathroom and took a shower as he sang loudly without any music. He didn't need music, he was so freakishly happy he could literally burst from happiness. Louis had an early reunion at the academy he didn't say what they were going to talk about but it sounded serious, Harry got a bit concerned but the dancer just kissed his lips before saying "It's just routine, darling. Good routine" he assured and then proceeded to snog the worries out of Harry. That might have ended in the bedroom, without clothes and in more than a simple snog.

Harry smiled wider at the memory and got just a bit of water from the shower spray in his mouth because of that. He got out of the shower, towelled himself and then brushed his teeth naked and shaking his hips to the beat he sang. He walked out of the bathroom shaking his hair with his hand trying to dry it a bit faster.

He put on a pair of boxers and then his skinny jeans and then padded with his naked feet into the kitchen, tapping his fingertips against every surface that came into reach as he hummed along and used his free hand to put the teapot on top of the stove. The man blindly took a teabag out of the box and placed it inside his favourite mug before waiting patiently for the water to boil and pouring it into the mug.

Even though the windows were closed the morning was very cool and Harry could feel the little hairs on his legs and arms stand up and he shivered when he held the hot mug. "I need shoes" he said to himself and walked back to his room mug in hand. He placed the mug on top of the bedside table and then went to the closet. On the first drawer he had briefs and socks. He took a random pair of socks and then, instead of going to sit down on the bed, he tried to put them on standing on one foot at the time leaning against the closet door. He then put on his worn out boots and wiggled his toes inside of the, with a happy sigh. Eventually he went to sit on the bed, took the slightly cold mug in his hands once again and drank from it precariously, savouring every drop.

He got into bed again, covering his long legs with the blanket and took in hand the book that was resting on the bedside table. He had been reading it before going to sleep for a couple weeks now - when Louis wasn't around, of course- and he was in the middle of the novel.

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