Lunch with her

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"FUCK I'M LATE!" I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, I took a quick shower, and I didn't brush my teeth, I hope they don't smell my breath.


"Gosh...I made it in time..." I panted and noticed my co-workers are looking, I immediately avoided their looks as I walk to my desk. "I thought you were not going to work today! It's like you miss the two hours of work." I groggily look at Hikaru while she has a hot cup of coffee in her hand. "Didn't sleep properly last night, damn my head hurts because of the beer!"

"Well, at least get yourself some coffee to less your hangover, here! Have mine!" She put the hot coffee on my desk. "You sure? I mean, it's yours and you're giving it to me--"

"You're going to need it, and I already have drunk my coffee earlier, you know, coffee addict!" She softly laughs and I chuckled, I catch a glimpse of a sharp eye through Makoto's window but before I made contact with it, it immediately disappeared. "

"Talk to you later!" Hikaru waved and I waved back while she went to her desk and started working, I open my desktop and started working too.


"Lunch break!" A random coworker shouted alarming us it was break time, I lean my back in my chair and stretch and yawn, I'm glad it was break time. "Hey, y/n! Wanna eat lunch with me?" I heard Hikaru's voice as I faced her with a bento box in her hand. "Sure, but I haven't bought any food yet," I said but she just waved her hand to me. "Don't worry because I brought extra for you!" She said and showed me the bento, and I was drooling at how delicious the food looked. "Wow! thanks a lot! You bothered to cook too much for me." I said while scratching my head. "You're welcome, just for my friend! Come on don't be shy, let's eat!" She said and I nodded, but before the two of us took a bite of our food, Makoto suddenly appeared. "Y/N I need you to come with me, now." She said and I sighed. "I guess I'll eat this later, sorry Hikaru," I said while she gives me an understanding look and I followed Makoto. "What do you need this time?" I asked, she bent down and put down two big boxes on her desk, and to my surprise it contains a huge variety amount of food! "Come join me here." She demanded, I walked up to her desk and sat down facing her, I just quietly sat there, she putted the other large box to me and the other to her. "Eat."  She ordered, and I directly took my chopsticks and started eating and she joined in as well. "Uh, can I ask a question? Why did you call me here just to have someone to eat with you?" I said as I took a bite of a large fish fillet. "Don't think about anything, I only called you because no one will eat the extra food that I bought." she said and took a bite of a rice ball and I took another big bite. "Well at least it's free, thanks for the free food, I just didn't have anything because I forgot to buy it at the convenience store." I said and took another bite of food. "Hmph, your welcome." She said while stealing glances at y/n, and y/n looked at her and she immediately looked in another direction.

Thanks again for the food Makoto!" y/n said as he closed the door, and when he turned around, Mabe was right in front of him, their faces were 1 inch apart making y/n blush hard.

 "Hahaha, it's funny when you blush your face~" Mabe said and backed away and crossed her arms.

 "Hey! You're about to kiss me!""And you think that would have happened, right?" Mabe smirked making y/n stumble at his words.

"Well, there's no man who doesn't want to be kissed by a beautiful girl like you..." y/n said and mabe let out a soft giggle.

"Aww~ Your making me blush~ You make me fall for you even more~" Mabe said as she bite her lip. "And I won't lie, I started to like you even more and more~" She said as she put her hand to his shoulder smoothing it. "If it wouldn't for work time, I have already you in b-" "Hey y/n! Hi Mabe-Chan!" Hikaru runs up at the two, and Mabe sighed in frustration. "*Pant* I really need to get in shape! Did I bother something?" Hikaru said as she wipe her sweat to her forehead. "No, sweetie, you just got in time, oh well, I have some paper works to do so I got to go now, nice chatting with you y/n~" Mabe said as she wave at y/n, and y/n gulped. "Um, did I interrupt something?" She asked and y/n shook his head.  "You didn't interrupt something, we were just...talking..." He said as he hide his blush, Hikaru smiled. "okay! I was just getting some other paper works to Makoto-Chan! She's been stressing out lately, maybe because of her engagement at the other company." 'Engagement? You mean the guy? Huh, he's really that desperate, sucks to be him." Y/n said and Hikaru giggles. "If I were you y/n I wouldn't say some rude words to others, but in truth he really sucks! Well I gotta go now, see you later!" She said and entered the office. "Engagement huh...maybe..." He whispered to himself, scratching his chin as he peeked through the big glass window at Makoto's office, who's talking to Hikaru with something, as Makoto's eyes landed on him, who he immediately looks away, finding the floor interesting. Makoto raised her brow while flipping through papers, as she listened to Hikaru's explanation. "I'll get this done tomorrow, please remind me of it." She said giving the papers back as Hikaru nodded enthusiastic. "Alright boss!" She said energetically and exited the office as she greets y/n who waves, Makoto then fixed her sleeve before going out the office too and went to approach y/n. "Y/n..." She said seriously. "Why are you standing there, you should be working, not stand there like an idiot." She said slightly harsh, though, y/n didn't flinch. "I'm already heading don't worry." He said, about to turn around but stopped as Makoto holds his arm. "You knew, didn't you? About the engagement?" She asked, as y/n plays dumb. "Engagement? What engagement?" He scratch his head, making Makoto sighed, not wanting to push him more, she lets go. "Come to work more early, or else I'll lower your salary this month." She said before walking away without even looking back.

"What's with her..." Y/n whispered, taking a final look before turning back, thinking nothing but dinner tonight.

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