New trouble

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A shadow moved passed every abandoned home in a rather desolate area covered in blueish greenish flames on its way to its main objective.

As it hurriedly approached the object while hovering its hand above the door's seal, it abruptly stopped and the seal shattered, leaving the door open.

It quickly made it's way in the building but not before looking back to see if there was no one following it.

He has no idea that a dark figure was leaning against a wall of an abandoned house in the shadows, crossing its arms.

The camera slowly panned upward so that the audience could see., Its eyes shone a bright (F/c), as it grinned from ear to ear slowly.

Many flat blocks started to float through the edifice, creating stairs for the enigmatic figure.

It quickly began moving in the direction of what he was seeking. However, something.. doesn't feel.. quite... RIGHT...

His hand swept over the flat Woden blocks with the golden inscription, moving from one to the next before stopping on one in particular.

He seized it as it shone brilliantly.

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A few elderly people peacefully dance to the music in a lovely meadow while two huge snakes hissed as people began to flee from it.

The elderly were hissed at by the snake with red eyes before it opened its mouth and tried to eat them alive as it's brother most likely did the same, like a chilll.

Everyone screamed and shout and let it all out, as a tremendous earth quake was caused by the two big snake's bites.

But as the fog of dirt slowly disappeared, the elderly remained unharmed.

The snakes opened their eyes in confusion and discovered that they had bitten a large crimson staff.

They looked at MK who was holding the staff with ease and YOU standing next to him.

"Nah, now I know you just did not try do that to my grandmama's." You yelled. Before turning your back facing the elders.

"Mornin' grandma's!" You say waving your hand in the air, "Good morning, Y/N and Mk." One of the elderly says.

"What nice children."

"I forgot what I was supposed to say."

"Such a cute couple."

Mk paused briefly before as a blush spread across his face. Turning his head rapidly in the direction of the two snakes and shrinking his staff once more

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