#2 (clean)

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~Fuck You~

YOU: "You know what?!?! Fuck you, Dean Winchester! I tell you that I love you, and you turn around and do this to me!? I'm done with you. Have a nice fucking life"

You had just walked in on Dean making out with a slutty, fake blonde no more than 2hours after you confessed your love to him.

D: "(Y/N)!" he called after you as you ran out of the room. Sam had heard what happened and ran up to you, embracing you in a hug.  

S: "Its gonna be okay (Y/N), he's not thinking clearly"

YOU: "What if he is? He walked out after I told him. Besides, a guy like him would never love a girl like me."

S: "Don't say that (Y/N). Dean is just overwhelmed right now, he will come to his senses soon enough."

YOU: "How can you say that?"

S: "Cuz I know"

**1 Hour Later**

D: "Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you?" Dean says as he slowly walks into your room.

YOU: "Sure"

D: "I'm sorry about earlier, I freaked and went out to get drunk. I ended up bringing her back here, and it all went down hill. I love you too (Y/N), I had just never expected you to ever feel the same. And when you did I broke, I had no clue how to react. But now I do," he grabbed your face in both his hands in kissed you like there was no tomorrow.

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