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(In advance I apologise for any spelling mistakes and shit English is not my first language)

*:・゚✧ ゚・:*

As a future Tsahik Ar'ney was always close to her grandmother, helping with ill and wounded. Learning the way of clan healer and spiritual leader of people.
As daughter of Toruk Makto she spends hours perfecting her combat skills. Always fighting for the title of The Best Warrior of Omaticaya Clan with her brother Neteyam. The final verdict was unclear. Because no one of them were satisfied with sharing that position their training was never completed.

As for right now, she was helping to patch up wounds on her brother body. Young boy was hissing when ointment touched his body. Even though the fight took place two days ago Neteyam still couldn't have a moment of peace. Especially when healing process involved his grandmother that was talking his head off every chance she got.
"If you weren't so stupid then, you wouldn't have to hurt now," Tsahik said coldly hearing her grandsons whimpering, Ar'ney chuckled softly when she saw Neteyam's face after the comment.
"Skxawng" she whispered to him before apologising to Mo'at for leaving early. Older woman looked at her irritated. "What is so important that you choose to miss your training?"
Ar'ney grinned at her grandmother. "Believe me it's extremely important, so important I can not tell you"
After that, she ran away before she could get scolded.

If she was being honest with herself staying with Tsahik was way more important than what she was planning on doing. She shook her head at thought of coming back, if she did grandmother would give her the worst chores. Instead, she kept on running towards her Ikran.
"Aawi! There there boy..." she calmed him with gentle pats. "Listen boy we gonna do something you will not like" Mischief painted on her face when she bonded with animal.
"I don't think there is something that he won't enjoy." A familiar voice was heard behind Ar'ney. She turned around with defeated look. It was Atsen, her future mate. They were promised to each other the day they were born. He was a son of Arvok, Tsu'teys brother. After the years they have grown close. Eywa has blessed them with strong bond that easily could transform into love.

"It scares me how well you know him" girl giggled, turning away from him and jumping onto the beast. "Well are you going with me or you promise on Eywa to stay silent about it?"
Atsen sighed and get on his Ikran.
"You know well that I can not stay silent"

Together they flew toward last battlefield, Atsen growing more and more anxious as they got closer.
"What is this? Why would you want to come here?" He asked when they landed in the middle. The idea was stupid at least. Sky people could come here every second if they weren't here already.
"Weapons." Girl chipped back at him "I'm sure they will be useful".

Minutes passed as she looked through the dead bodies, Atsen mostly looking out for any danger. After around an hour Ar'ney smiled at boy informing him that their mission was over.
"What do you got?" He asked while getting on his Ikrans back.
"Seven grenades that don't look like they're about to explode. Oh and some amo" She informed looking over at him with a big smile.
"You know your father will kill you if he founds out about this?"
"Why do you think I didn't take any guns?" Young na'vi chimed while an even bigger smile formed on her face. Her companion smiled softly at this sight. It took years but he was slowly falling for her, or at least he thought that he was. It was hard to say if what he felt was love, he never tried to love anyone other than Ar'ney. Nonetheless, he was starting to feel something alike love and there was no reason to try to change the way he felt. It was for the best.
"Let's go home. It's not too long till eclipse."

After arriving at the village they parted ways. Ar'ney walked into her home to see everyone sitting in a circle with sorrowful expressions.
"Please don't tell me that someone died." She sighed while sitting down in front of her father.
"Worse." Lo'ak mumbled as Neteyam put his hand on her arm. Oh shit, this will be bad, she thought while looking impatiently at her father.
"Sky people are onto us." He took Neytiris's hand for comfort. "They attacked your siblings in the forest, Spider was kidnapped. We need to seek uturu in other clan. That's the only way we can protect Omaticaya people"
The silence was loud. Ar'ney looking at Jake and Neytiri searching for any sight of possible joke. Her mind ignored every part except their need for uturu."What?" She finally spilled still not believing what she just heard.
"That is the way." Neytiri said trying to hide her own disbelief.
"Just the two of you right?" The oldest of girls asked.
"They onto us daughter. We all are a walking target." Jake looked at his child with steady eyes. That was a hint that the conversation was over and there was nothing to be changed.

Ar'ney quickly left the hut with only one person on her mind. Atsen.
She found him in his usual spot, singing as usual. Oh, how beautiful his voice is, she realised just like people realise how dear something is to them right before they lose it.
"Atsen." She whimpered, grabbing his arm as she sat down. He looked into her eyes as they became full of tears.
"What's going on?" He asked while putting his hand on her cheek. Trying not to cry more, she told him of Jakes's plan. After she ended, he pulled her into a hug, mostly to hide his own tears. Why now? When Eywa finally blessed them with something similar to love?

He sank deeper into this hug, trying to memorize every part of her. Her smell, how wind moved her hair, how her hands felt on his body. After what felt like a sweet eternity, he pulled out.

"Promise me one thing Ar'ney. You will forget about every promise we made to each other. Forget about what was supposed to be our future. Live your life to the fullest wherever Eywa will send you and with whoever She will put on your path. " He put his forehead on hers. They stayed like this as she cried and shook her head. After a while, she calmed down. She took off her necklace and put it in his hand.
"Take this. As my promise to you that I will agree with Eywas ways. But also as a promise that a part of my soul will always be with you."
He smiled while tears formed in his eyes. He also gave her his necklace and copied words of their last vow.

"I see you ma Ar'ney."
"And I see you ma Atsen"

They stayed in each other's arms that night. Love burning their skin as it was forced to die the moment the morning light came.

*:・゚✧ ゚・:*

Gosh it was a long time. Haven't written anything on here in like 3 years?? But yeah there we go my first ever book in English let's see how it goes.

Also, let's just fucking accept that Neteyam and Kiri are 17 (so are Ar'ney and Aonung) I just can't imagine them being 15 it doesn't work in my mind 🫥 Lo'ak is 15 here and I will bully him because of that

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!!!

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