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Me and Daisy, once again, said our goodbyes to Beanie, Lavinia, and Kitty. She was still complaining about the lost necklace, even when we got in the car. "Oh, I can't believe it! And she even said she looked well! She ought to look better next time." complained Daisy. "It's not a problem, Daisy. It happened." I said, trying to calm her down, but that didn't work. She talked about it all the way until we reached Uncle Felix and Aunt Lucy's house. "Hi, Daisy and Hazel. It's good to see you two again." said Uncle Felix, with Aunt Lucy next to him, smiling. "I hope you two are ready to go to the hotel. It's gonna be enormous fun!" exclaimed Aunt Lucy. We were greeted by Bridget as we went to Daisys room. As we entered Daisys room, Daisy said "I hope we encounter another murd—" "Daisy!" I whisper-shouted, "That's not what you say when—" and we heard a car outside.

I looked outside the window and saw George getting out of the car, followed by Alexander. Surprisingly, Alexander looked up at me and smiled. I blushed. A bit, just a bit, I thought. We went downstairs to greet them and as always, Alexander pulled me in the cheerful hug he always does. "Oh, hello, Hazel! I missed you lots." He said, "Oh — I — I missed you too, Alexander." I stuttered out. He pulled away from the hug and smiled, so I smiled back. I was surprised he didn't even admire, or take a glance at Daisy. It felt nice that he was admiring me and not Daisy. "Well, boys, come along!" Said Daisy, leading us to her room. Me and Daisy sat on her bed, George was standing and so was Alex, but he was leaning on the wall.

"Daisy, are you still mad at your friend Beanie?" Asked George, chuckling. "Oh, you— Hazel! Why did you tell him?" Said Daisy "I didn't tell him. I did tell Alexander, though." I said, grinning. "You— oh! You chump, Hazel!" said Daisy. "Daisy, can I talk to you?" shouted Uncle Felix, from downstairs. "Ugh." she whispered, "I'm coming!" and she went. I was left alone with George and Alexander. It was so awkward to the point I wished to disappear. "I wonder if there will be a murder when we go to the hotel. It would be weird if there wasn't." I said, trying to break the silence, which was loud. "At this point, whenever you and Daisy go somewhere and a murder happens, I pretend to be surprised." said George. I laughed and glanced at Alexander. I noticed he was looking at me — smiling. Then he noticed I was looking and looked at anything else but me. I noticed the tip of his ears going slightly red.

"Did you guys figure out who stole Alexander's tie?" I asked. "Yes, is was one of the lower form kids. Expected." Said George."Who is the new girl, by the way? Alexander said that you said she keeps setting up pranks." "Oh, yes, Amina. Her names Amina. Every girl in fourth form has a pash on her. I'm not surprised. She's awfully pretty. " I said, just remembering how she looked like. She really was pretty. "Where is she from?" asked Alexander "Egypt." I said "Kitty, the girl in my dorm, said that the shrimps absolutely fell inlove with her as soon as she came in. Oh and, Alexander, she says hi to you." I said "Oh? How does she know me?" Alexander asked, "You know the picture we took? In London? Well, I was about to put it on my bedside table, and then she came and asked me who you and George were. She called you handsome." I said, I saw George narrowing his eyes "Someone called you handsome too, George." And it looked like he was relieved.

"Hello! I'm back!" Daisy said. "And I have awfully good news. Hazel, Lavinia, Kitty and Beanie are staying over for a bit in Uncle Felix and Aunt Lucy's house!" I was a bit taken aback for some reason — is it because of Kitty? "Oh — that's — great!" I exclaimed, smiling. "They ought to be here in two hours time. Also, Uncle Felix said, while we wait, we can go out all by ourselves! Isn't that amazing?" Said Daisy "Absolutely spiffing!" said Alexander, his favourite line. "Oh— that's great!" exclaimed George. I just smiled.

We went out to have tea. We got cakes and sandwiches. Daisy was complaining to George and Alexander about Beanie losing her necklaces. They were really trying not to laugh. "Seriously, Daisy, it's not a big deal!" I said. "You should listen to Hazel." said George. Daisy just rolled her eyes. While we were walking back, I caught myself in a conversation with Alexander. "It's, er, good to see you again." said Alexander "I really did miss you — and Daisy. So did George.". I kind of wished he would say 'I really did miss you. So did George' instead. I looked up at him and said "I really missed you to—" and I bumped into someone. I really wished I could just disappear at that time. Oh, I was so embarrassed..

"Oh, oh. I am so sorry! I was not looking where I was going I—" "You definitely weren't!" said the man to me. He had a long moustache. He was wearing a monocle and very formal clothes. And it looked like he was in a hurry. "Now, if you please, get out of my way!". He pushed passed me and walked fast. "Are you okay, Hazel?" said Alexander. Daisy and George heard and came over to see if I was okay. "Oh, Hazel, you chump, what were you doing? What were you looking at that was more important than looking at where you are going?" said Daisy. I went so red. I took a quick glance at Alexander and saw that he turned into a shade of red as well. Daisy looked behind to look at Alexander then back at me and winked. "Oh, Hazel. You like him a bit too much." she whispered in my ear, and I smiled a bit.

"What happened, so?" Asked George. "Oh, nothing important. Just — Hazel being Hazel." And daisy smiled. When we were back home, there was Lavinia, Kitty and Beanie waiting for us. We smiled and went over to them. "Hi Hazel and Daisy!" Said Kitty. "Who are the boys behind you— Oh! Are they they boys in the picture?" Asked Lavinia "Quite obviously." said Daisy. "Oh my— is that Alexander? He's more handsome in real life! I'm gonna try to go and talk to him." said Kitty, going up to Alexander. We were left with Beanie since Kitty went to have a conversation with Alexander and Lavinia was with George. "Everyone has a pash on Amina now. Absolutely everyone!" complained Beanie. "She took my spotlight! She literally took my spotlight and it's absolutely not fair!" Complained Daisy, "Guys, I don't think we should be talking like that about Amina. She's a nice girl, she's not that bad—" "Oh, be so for real, Hazel!" whined Daisy. "If you keep talking about her I'll just think you're obsessed and have a pash on her." I said, straightforward. "Please, Hazel. On Amina? No way!" replied Daisy, and her and Beanie just started talking away. I looked over at Alexander and saw that he was still in that conversation with Kitty. I looked back at Daisy and Beanie but I wasn't paying attention to what THEY were saying.

"So, how did you meet Hazel and Daisy?" asked Kitty. "Oh— well — it's a long story, really, but I met them on the Orient Express. You know, where the murder happened. I'm sure they've told you about it?" said Alexander "Yes, they did. What do you think of Hazel and Daisy? I think they're absolutely incredible!" said Kitty. I smiled at that. "Oh, yes, they really are absolutely spiffing. Hazel is really sweet. She's very calm and dosent get mad easily, or dosent get mad at all. She's a person that you could talk to and never get bored of. Daisy is very —" he stopped for a second, " — pretty. She's really pretty. He can be a bit —" "Bossy?" Kitty said, continuing his sentence for him. "Not what I was gonna say — but yes. Sometimes she is. But she can be really nice sometimes." I was a bit startled when he called Daisy pretty — I mean — not that she isn't, but— "Do you like Daisy?" Kitty suddenly asked. I looked back a bit and saw Alexander's face go scarlet "Daisy? No! She's just a friend to me." and I couldn't listen anymore.

We heard a voice saying "Hazel! Alex! Come here right this second!". I was guessing that was George and Lavinia since they weren't there. Me and Alexander looked at eachother and went upstairs. We entered Daisys bedroom but — nothing. "I wonder what that was." said Alexander, "I'm sure that it was George and Lavinia, since they weren't there when we got called to go upstairs." I said, sitting on Daisys bed. "You're friend, Kitty, is a bit... weird." said Alexander. "She was asking me about what I thought about you and Daisy, and—" "I heard. She was talking loud." I told him. "Hazel — since we are here now , I didn't know how to tell you before, but now I think I finally can. Hazel i just believe — Hazel I think I — Ever since — " my eyes widened. I was not ready for what he was going to say next. It left me astonished for the rest of the day.

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