A Puppet?

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requested by @Blinks_Blossom
(Scaramouche POV)
      He found out...How the hell did Kazuha find out that I'm a puppet? He completely freaked when he confronted me. He said he couldn't stand to he with someone who was created by the women who killed his best friend. My eyes felt wet. What was this feeling? Why were my eyes leaking? I touched my eyes to try to see the substance but it was clear. What was it? And why was it leaking out of my eyes so much? Could this be what they call tears? Am I crying? Why would I be crying? I gasped. Could I actually feel something for Kazuha? Me? A puppet who doesnt feel anything feeling something for a mere human? I wasn't dating Kazuha because I liked him. I was dating him because he asked me to. These emotions are so pointless. I just wanted to focus on my goal of becoming a better god then Beezlebul. I didn't want to get wrapped up in a whole relationship.

~A Few Hours Later~

(Kazuha POV)
      I did it again...How could I possibly not realize that the love of my life was a puppet? I found myself sitting on my bed stuffing my face with food while crying. Why am I crying? It's not like Scaramouche felt anything for me right? Do puppets even feel anything? I'm so hurt and so confused...I don't understand...Why did he seem so happy with me? Was he faking just to make me feel good? Was it just for his enjoyment? More tears flowed out of my eyes as I thought of many what ifs. I can't stop wondering if Scaramouche actually loved me or not. I ate more food trying to drown out my emotions but it didn't help. Really all this eating is making feel sea sick but I couldn't seem to stop. I didn't want to ask Beidou for help because I didn't want her to see me as a wimp. Plus shes to busy with Ningguang to even care probably. I sighed and got under the covers and cried myself to sleep. I just wanted a real boyfriend. Not a puppet who cant feel anything.

(Scaramouche POV)
       I found myself actually walking to Beidous ship. I don't know why though. Could I actually want to talk to Kazuha? Do I miss him so much I can't stand to be away from him? Yeah. I guess you're right. I guess I do feel something for Kazuha after all. When I got to the ship I immediately found myself turn back around and go back to where I was staying. I couldn't bare to face Kazuha.

449 words request ships!!! i dont do traveler x anyone or archons x archons

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