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8.56 AM, Jangmi was walking down the hallway when suddenly she stepped on someone's foot, larger than hers, by accident.

"Best friend! How was your day?" Felix appearance did drew a smile on Jangmi's face, throwing him a friendly hug before establishing their track, making way to their classroom.

"Been good, doing good." Swaying her now shorter bob hair, Felix too was laughing as a response. Such a bad liar, the previous tragedy did change her mood a bit.

Jangmi's head now was filled with questions about her father, how her colleagues eager to help her, how Jungwoo wanted to take over the huge mission and the list keeps on going. Honestly, she felt lost, but not that lost either. She found a piece of herself, but lost more—maybe not now, sooner. Her head hung down, she felt like not talking but she didn't want to leave her friend hanging that way.

"You can lie to me but not yourself, Jangmi." Felix heaved a sigh, slowly turning Jangmi's body to face him by controlling her on both sides of her shoulder.

"If things are out of control, remember to take a deep breath, face it, or the least you can do is forget it once your legs are already inside of the campus. Look, I hate seeing my friend acting like this so you better take my advice and continue your freaking life peacefully."

Jangmi showed a small smile before walking into the class with him, having completely forced zero thoughts of her problems because there are actually much more things that matter.

At the west side of the campus, two, and more students were having a small talk before parting ways. Jaehyun hung his head low while Jungwoo pats his back softly, hoping that it would lessen the problems he was carrying. Donghyuck looked up before taking a chance to talk to the brother of his girlfriend—super duper surprising.


"I don't think I'll pass today's exam," That's what he responded.

"I haven't been studying and eating well these two days, and I was arguing with my father when he arrived home the next day after the incident. His appearance made me angrier, like what the hell is going on and who actually Jangmi is? And he just laughed, and told me to take over his business because he said that I went insane because of this campus."

The thing is, that wasn't the first time they ever heard about Mr. Jung. People might see him as the famous 'untroubled and unbothered' politician in the modern country, but when it comes to his main priority—the wife and the son—he would always find their weakness and use his power against them. Just for fun, as long as he has power and money.

"Hey, you're a genius, Jaehyun. I'm pretty sure you can find your own ways out." Doyoung wrapped his free arm around his shoulder, seems like it helped him went easy on himself for a bit. As they were about to continue talking about things, Johnny's rushed appearance did make everyone confused.

"Yo, Jae! Are you okay, bro?"

He straight up went for a bro hug to the other J, leaving all of them laughing in unison. They knew very well Johnny will always be there for his bestest man, and also, he knows well about Mr. Jung—though there are actually more things to be discovered, he knows better than anyone.

"I'm good, now that everyone's here, we better part ways to our class." Jaehyun looked up to everyone.

"Our class starts in an hour, I feel like we're going to chill at the cafeteria." Mark spoke out before excusing themselves to go to the aimed spot for a little revision—it's examination day, kids.

"Alright, then. 9 in the morning students, get your butt off the chair—EVERYONE, FIGHTING!" The squad did the last cheer for everyone, obviously Taeyong was leading the chant. Five minutes passed and now there were only Donghyuck and Mark left, making their way to the said place.


Mark's low voice caught the brown haired male off guard, almost felt like waking up after a long daydream. "Yeah?"

"Aren't you curious of your own girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow, leaving the tanned one chuckled in awe.

"I do, but it's not my place to—"

"You see, Lee Donghyuck. I suppose there is something off about Jangmi, I'm not saying she's weird or what but it seems like you have to know her background, with Jaehyun. He also need to know what the hell happened between her and the Jung family."

The long speech helped Donghyuck to zone out once again, ignoring the coffee and opened book ahead him. His mind wandered to everywhere around the area, pretty much agreed with his friend's words. He never knew much about her, he only knows a few—there are actually MORE. He is already too immersed on the idea, it made him laugh lightly.

"I want to know her better, with Jaehyun, of course."

Mark looked up to meet the latter's lonely eyes, finding himself, too, chuckled in disbelief. "I know our Donghyuck would do it, use your hacking skill boy!"

"This is for our own good, I also wanna know who Mr. Jung actually is."


Heeseung walking around his room like a crazy man—uncontrollable breathing, sweaty palms, trembling lips. Oh, he hates the situation. Especially, when Donghyuck was not around. The sweaty palms were now reaching for the phone inside of his jeans' pocket, dialing the cousin's number as quick as possible.

"Donghyuck...please...come home..."

"Heeseung? Why? What's the matter?"

"Dad found out about us, you know—the plan of me going to rehab?"
"He wanted to see me, all alone."

"Run, run away!"


"I'll fetch you!"
"Wait for me at the street, don't you dare to run or people would say you are a crazy man in our area."

"I'll wait... I'm terrified."

As Heeseung was about to run to the roadside, he saw his father going upstairs—he knew what was about to happen, so he decided to just run to the outside of the house, while checking his bag's zipper and his phone in his pocket in a rushing way.

"Lee Heeseung? Son, where are you?!"

Yes, he do sounded soft. But no, Heeseung won't ever fall for that 'sweet' tone. After successfully hiding behind a thick tree near the bench across the house, a car stopped right by the bench and he—without any hesitation—hoped into the vehicle with a winner smile written all over his face.

"Thank God, you're here!"

Donghyuck smirked right before a small chaos, "I was worried as fuck—you, CAN YOU NOT SPILL ALL YOUR SECRET TO UNCLE LEE?"

"I WAS HIGH!" Heeseung screamed back, but with face facing the window instead of the cousin who's driving. "You were high? What the—Heeseung, didn't we made a promise—"


"Oh, shit." Donghyuck sighed, he knew. That's a habit of his uncle whenever he wanted his son to reveal the truth. He would do it by force, he must know the truth and eventually threaten his own son for anything—EVERYTHING.

"Stay with me."

"For now?"

"If I can, I'd make you stay away from your parents forever. I'll tell my mother about this and she will surely be fine of it." Heeseung straight away tapped his cousin's shoulder as a sign of 'thank you'. He was grateful Donghyuck is always there for him—even if it meant to risk their lives, oh he would do it.


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now