Chapter 1 -Wolf within the shadows.

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Y/n's P.O.V My mother. Actually my whole family and I hated each other. I rarley came home. I would eat some of the outside creatures small ones not to draw big attention. Our natrual enemy? Vampires. A.K.A The cold ones. I lived in this war like world where a river seperated wolves from vampires. I hadn't known since my mother always taught the other pups instead of me. So I was a lone wolf. Alone. The soft wind blew my f/c back as I ran through the trees. A blur of speed caused me to stop. Sniffing around the scent came closer and I bared my teeth. Sure I made sure to cover my scars from home life but who was this? "Why are you in our territory?" 'Why am I the the bait? What territory?' He must have know what I was thinking and explained the territories to me. Despite wanting to rip his head off he seemed nice. A vampire and a wolf. Not a bad duo except it's like fire and ice. Never getting along. 'I'll leave now i'm guessing you can read my thoughts?' "I can my name is Edward i'm assuming you're new?" Nodding you didn't say too much before the howls came from your pack. Your mother was calling you back. Jumping back you ran through the forest until you reached the woman. Shifting before you reached her she sifted back. "Come there's a kid who want's to see you." Going to the front door you opened the door to a young boy. Closing the door from behind you saw the little wolf braclet. "I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I'm guessing you're Y/n?" "That's me." You felt the small blush but didn't care. "If you want you can come to this address I hope you don't mind meeting my family." "I don't mind at all in fact when can I come over?" "You can come over tomorrow although I might be late since of high school." "Yeah High school I'll come by as well what school do you go to?" "Uh I go to Forks high school." (Yes I know that's not the school Jacob goes to but I'm placing him there.) "Great see you tomorrow." When you went inside you felt warm. Not the distant person you always were but warm. This was nice. Going to school in the morning you were introduced even though it was the middle of the school year. Talk about Awkward. Not your type of people or things to do.  Lunch was sort of fun you met up with Jake again. "So how's the high school experince?" "People aren't really my thing. it's more like." You both said this at the same time. "Like talking with complete strangers." "So? Who else did you meet? Aside from my unlikeable charm?" "Unlikeable? You're like the only person I know plus another kid who I met as well I think his name was Edward." "Edward Cullen?" "That's his name? Dang he only told me his first name. I only met two since of yesterday. I'm still adjusting." Going to his house you met his family. "It's an honor to meet you Y/n." "It's nice to meet you too. Jacob couldn't stop talking about you." You thought of them as such a perfect family while yours was broken and shatterd. He was helping you fix some of the cracks. Going to the bathroom you looked at the scars on your arms. They wern't all over just on the top part to not let others see your scars. Even if they healed quickly they would always reapear because of your siblings. Maybe if I run away. No to soon. Need a plan first. Covering it back up you held a bright smile. "So what do you guys do for fun?" 

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