E. U. Student/Son of Alex Mercer Male Reader X Yandere Caring Harem

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(A/N: Requested by Swiftdragoon, and it's actually Expelled Union Student/ Son of Alex Mercer Male Reader x Yandere and Caring ORC girls, Blake, Coco, Velvet, 1-B girls, and Midnight)

(Y/N Mercer is the son of Alex Mercer, and attended Union Academy until he got kicked out after an incident. The ones who stood by his side were the Occult Research Club Girls, Blake, Coco, Velvet, Class 1-B Girls and Midnight.)

(Y/N is currently using one of his arm blades to behead three Atlas Soldiers who planned to kill powerless kids.)

Y/N: Still treating powerless people like garbage, I see.

(Unbeknownst to him, the Occult Research Club Girls, Blake, Coco, Velvet, Class 1-B Girls and Midnight are watching him. Rias is seen having Ddraig's sacred gear in one of her hands, implying that she killed Issei.)

Rias: Wow, he's gotten really strong since the last time we met

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Rias: Wow, he's gotten really strong since the last time we met. I'm so happy to see he's alright.

Blake: Good thing we got rid of our supposed teammates

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Blake: Good thing we got rid of our supposed teammates.

Koneko: Issei was just a worthless pervert anyway

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Koneko: Issei was just a worthless pervert anyway.

Blake: So was Sun...

Blake: So was Sun

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