A Little Birthday Gift, Part 1/3

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Fort has been going absolutely crazy.

He doesn't know what to buy Peat for his birthday, and there are only 4 days left. Fort had already asked Noeul and Boss for gift ideas, but everything they say just seems off. Don't get him wrong, he loves the ideas, but they just don't seem to be good enough. Fort wants Peat's birthday gift to be perfect, just like Fort thinks Peat is.

Fort thinks of Peat's smile, happy and pure, and of the way Peat's eyes light up when he sees something awe inspiring. Peat's face, collar bone, eyes, cheeks, and, especially, lips, are all beyond perfection. The way Peat always treats everyone with respect, no matter what age they are. The fact that he loves his fans, and tries his best to answer their comments.

Fort was never able to connect to anyone else like he did to Peat. Fort cannot help but see how Peat just seems to glow, like a star in the night sky, and Fort is so surprised that no one else notices. Fort is so greatfull that he had been paired up with such an absolutely extraordinary person, so he cannot help but want to be closer.

Fort cannot possibly describe how amazing Peat is, and how much the other means to him. That's why Fort wants to get Peat something wonderful, to show him how much he cares.

To say the truth, Fort had been thinking of Peat's birthday for a couple of months now, and he just doesn't seem to find anything good enough to fit such a amazing man.

Boss had suggested to buy him flowers, and a box of chocolates, but was it good enough? Certainly, Peat loves chocolate, and food in general, and Fort could buy him great flowers, but were they okay? Were they enough? Not really, no.

Fort was so worked up thinking, he even considered buying Peat's favorite bakery. Noeul, who Fort had shared his thoughts with said no to the idea right away, because:

"What would Peat do with a bakery if he's off filming all day?"

That was a good point, Fort knew, but he wanted to give Peat something the other would like.

The other thing suggested was clothes, but that was what Boss and Noeul had bought for Peat, and he didn't want to repeat after them. Fort also knew Peat didn't need new clothes, because Peat looked stunning in everything he wore.

Fort's mind worked restlessly as he sat in the back of a car that was driving him home.

Fort had refused to drive because he needed some thinking time, so, he got on the first Taxi that came by.

When he got home, Fort still couldn't concentrate, this time however, his thoughts were on Peat, rather than his birthday gift.

Peat's voice, his hair, his lips, his eyes, his body. Everything Peat had was perfect. Even when he made a mistake while filming, he was still able to laugh it out with that gorgeous laugh of his.

"What's wrong with me?" Fort though, opening his shower door.

Fort showered, brushed his teeth, and changed into pijamas. Then he got into bed, and put the alarm for 7, even though casting tomorrow was at 8. He wanted any chance to be alone with Peat.

Even though Fort didn't know what happened to him a few minutes ago, he was sure it would pass after a good, long, sleep.

However, Fort couldn't have been more mistaken.


The next day for Fort started as usual. Eat breakfast, dress up, and go to work.

After that everything started to go out of control, bit by bit.

Fort got to work, and as expected, Peat was already there.

Fort beamed, and skipped toward his companion.

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