A Little Birthday Gift, Part 3/3

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"It's today!" Fort yelped as he jumped out of bed.

Fort had already texted Peat happy birthday, but now he will meet him and give Peat his present. Oh how much he wants Peat to like it.

Fort was wearing his best suit today, and had his hair styled, determined to look good in front of Peat.

He hops into his car, grabbing the packaged boxes with him.

Fort knows that even though the gifts would be the last part of their day, he still wanted to get them ready.

Fort drove as quickly as he could to the Me Mind Y studio, where the party would take place.


Fort jumped out of his already parked car, grabbed the boxes and sprinted toward the entrance.

Two guards stood at the entrance (cause why not?) and Fort showed his ID to them. Even though they knew who he was, they nodded, and let him though.

P'Mame greeted him by the entrance, and led him to where all the presents stood. Fort deposited all his boxes except for one. The one with the rings. He wanted to give that to Peat himself.

At exactly the moment he put the box in his jacket pocket, Peat nearly jumped on him.

He hugged Fort tightly and smiled up at him. Fort had to gather everything he had not to stare at that wonderful face for too long.

"Happy Birthday Phi Peat!" He said instead, hugging Peat back with a grin wider than ever.

"Thanks!" Said Peat, letting go of Fort.

Even now that Fort knew the reason he missed Peat's body against his, it didn't make it any easier to try stopping himself from pouncing on Peat.

They walked into the lounge where Noeul and Boss already were. Boss smirked at the sight of them.

Fort glared at him.

"Anyway guys! Here's the schedule for today!" Exclaimed Peat, handing each of them a paper.

1. Never Say and Love in The Air songs for fans. (14:30-15:30)
2. Birthday challenges and questions (16:00-17:30)
3. Party (18:00- ~~:~~)
4. Cake (~~~~)
5. Present opening (~~~~)

Fort looked it over and smiled.

Okay, today is going to be fun.

Time skip (16:15)

"Next game! Staring contest, but with special rules. Put your faces as close together as you dare, the first one to back out looses."

Fort gulped. The only thing he had to remember now was:

"Do. Not. Kiss. Him."

But oh, that was easier said than done.

Fort's and Peat's eyes locked, and their faces inched closer.


Peat was so close to Fort that they shared the same air. Fort could feel Peat's breaths agains his skin, and oh how easy it was to close that gap. Oh how easy.

Fort was internally dying! He couldn't kiss Peat! But he wanted to! So badly as well.

He means, who would look at a pair of such juicy, bright red lips and not want to kiss them?


Peat makes it worse. His eyes are locked with Forts, piercing him, as if he knows what the other wants.

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