Blinding Lights

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-Gabby POV-

The pain, was all I could focus on. Blinding burning pain, coursing though out my entire body.

"Take her to treatment three" I hear some one yell out.

"On three, one, two, three" Some one else calls, heaving me into the air, then dropping me onto a new bed. And I scream with pain.

My hand flops around, reaching around for Matt.

"I'm here" He says grabbing a hold of my hand, "I'm here Gabby."

Then everything goes black.

-Matt POV-

"She's coding!" one of the doc's yell

I grip her hand tighter, my hand brushing over her soft fingers, touching the cold metal of her silver ring that Antonio gave her.

More and more people swarm around her, pushing me out of the way, "What's going on" I yell, "GABBY!"

They squirted some green gel onto her belly, and started the ultrasound.

"The baby is implanted outside of the "

"Prep the OR!" Another yells

They roll Gabby away on the bed, going through door after door, her feet bashing into each one as they go through

I rush after her grabbing onto Dr Halstead's arm, "Hey, do everything you can to save the baby, but if it comes down to it you save my girl ok!" I say trying not to looked worried

"Casey, the only person I'm trying to save here is Gabby ok" Halstead says then walking away from me.

I walk back to the waiting room, and see chief Boden sitting there with his head in his hands.

"Any news on Dawson?" He question's lifting up his head.

"She's just gone into the OR now"


I sat in the waiting room for what felt like a life time, and memories flashed before my eyes.


The first time we kissed, after the day at work, where we were nearly both burned alive. When I knew that she was the one, when I threw my body over her to protect her.

I went straight home, and thought everything through, and I wanted to be with her, so I went over to her place instantly, and as I was about to knock on the door, it swings open and there before me stands Gabby. She was wearing a beautiful black dress, it showed off all of her beautiful features.

The time when she got stuck under a collapsed building, I was besides my self, we just went out to run a fun raiser for the CFD and ended up nearly loosing Gabby under two layers of cement. When we found her she was ok apart from her head wound, but after that I was worried sick every time that she went out on a call, because what if something worse happened, what if I actually lost her.

This time I actually could loose her, if she didn't pull through on this operation, I could loose both the love of my life and my baby.

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