18 1 6

Workers:  Callum, Adonia, Sabira, Aloycious, Evangeline

-probably rage quits every hour.
-when he's in argument with customer's he gets his managers to tell them he's right.
-does tiktoks 24/7.
-almost got fired 4 times.
-i reckon not bad at making drinks, so that's probably why he hasn't got fired yet.
-fights with Aloycious alot.
-7.5/10 overall good at making drinks but argues customer's to much

-Pretty calm.
-Gets complimented alot for work and her looks.
-I reckoned she'd smile alot and zone out some times that she starts at some kids sometimes I made a few cry b4..
-Would sell thoses teddies/drink bottles to ppl.
-Does snapchat streaks while working, takes photos with customer's.
-Her and Callum give eachother dirty looks
-8/10 very nice and cheerful no fights with ppl like Callum..., good tho!

-terrible at writing ppls names.
-probably gets angry easily.
-rip ppl off like say the drink is $8.50c she'd say its $12.70c.
-trys and acts popular.
-broke the blender so many times..
-3/10, absolutely terrible would not recommend

-good at serving ppl.
-cheers ppl up.
-He's DECENT at drinks but kinda shit..?
-he would fight with Callum.
-sounds kinda mean but being nice.
-sometimes he spends to much time on his phone texting memes to Zac.
-probably pulls goofy faces when waiting for ppl to move up to the window that he's been caught so many times..
-6.5/10, good at working cooperating with pplbut gets to distracted.

-fights with ppl alot.
-speaks shit about the managers in another language.
-probably hit a few customer's sometimes...
-Make tiktoks with Adonia.
-also do streaks.
-rants alot on tiktok.
-she'd give discounts to friends.
-she'd put pads on the bathroom walls..
-4.5/10, good at her job, her managers have reported over 3 times, makes good drinks, she probably makes home at home aswell for her family.

My friends goofy cat.


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