Chapter 14

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I open my eyes and look around the hospital room. Kennedy is in the corner sleeping on the small couch by the window. The shit looks mad uncomfortable. I'm glad shorty came. I don't know why, but she was the first person that I called once I was aware of my surroundings. I was so focused on Shooter that I didn't even realize that I had been shot. Twice at that. Ain't this some shit.

It's crazy because Shooter would never... Shooter....Damn. Tears start to fall down my face and I wipe them away quickly. My mans really gone.

I hear a small knock at the door and it slowly opens. I see moms, pops, and my two girls with them. Kairi runs up to the bed and jumps on me.

"AHHH," I groan in pain.

"Kai get over here now," moms says loudly.

Kennedy shifts around on the couch and slowly opens her eyes. Once she sees who's in the room, she quickly pops up off the couch and runs her fingers through her curls a few times.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Brewster," she says politely.

"Hi sweetie how are you? This is David's friend that I was telling you about," she says while looking at my dad.

"Well look at that. It's nice to meet you pretty lady," my dad says with a wink.

"I'm well and thank you. It's nice to meet you too sir," Kennedy says.

Kobi reaches for me and I reach out to grab her from moms. My baby girl snuggles into my chest and I adjust her so that she isn't hurting me. Pops makes his way over to the recliner next to my bed while Ma and Kairi sit down next to Kennedy on the couch.

"How are you feeling today David Jr?" my mom asks me.

I look around at everybody and before I say anything, Kennedy reads the room.

"Hi baby girl. What's your name?" Kennedy says to Kai.

"Kairi," she says shyly.

"That's a beautiful name. My name is Kennedy. I'm about to go get juice and snacks from the cafeteria, do you want to come with me?"

Kairi looks up at her granna with begging eyes.

Ma smiles, "You can go if you want to."

Kairi smiles and Kennedy stands up. They hold hands and walk out of the room.

As soon as she leaves, I fight back the tears welling up in my eyes. My mom comes over to me and wraps arms around my upper body.

"M-ma. My boy gone," I cry into her arms.

"It's okay now David. I know he is your best friend, but it was his time to go. His life served its purpose. I know it hurts son," she comforts me.

I cry into her arms for a few moments and then I pull away. My hands go up to my face to wipe my eyes and as I get myself together, Kobi looks up at me and then lays back down.

"Son, I'm glad you're okay" he says. "But let me tell you something. It's time for a lifestyle change David. This could have ended way worse than it did son. I love you and you know that, but I don't want to see you continue on the path that you're on," he explains.

"I hear you pops," I say with a nod.

"You hear me, but are you really hearing me son. I see that look on your face. I know it all too well. I'm your damn dad. You probably want to go out and find the person that did this to you—to William. But let me tell you something Dee, this ain't nothing but a distraction. Now we thank God you're still alive, but you have to let it be, David. That little girl in your arms needs you. Kairi needs you."

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