The first encounter

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( Yes you are at age of consent)

I walked down the empty and long street, dimly light by the shitty street lights. The air was cool and relaxing and the wind was like a soft whisper in only the best mornings. I looked around and saw aton of large buildings, but that was the feel of Staten Island. Hunger ate away at my stomach, " Goddamn what does it take for some one to get a cheap ass meal here" I mumbled to myself. I walked farther and then felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I felt a shiver run down my spine like cold water on a rainy day, and that's when I saw him.

Down a dark and messy alleyway there stood a monochrome clown, he stood with his back slightly hunched for he was holding what seemed to be a heavy trash bag . His face was pale as printer paper, he had enchanting dark chocolaty eyes. His suit was black and white, however while in my trance I never noticed that he took a step closer towards me until... RING RRRING!... I picked up the phone " Y/N where the hell are you girl!!" my roommate blared through the phone. " I am gonna be honest with ya.... I ... ha.. what the hell." I said in confusion the clown was close I could see every detail on his face and every wrinkle in his suit. " What is it Y/N? Is everything alright?" BFF/N (Bestie's name) asked, " Yeah, I suppose so I was just caught off guard.. uuummm.. OH... as I was saying. I have no goddamn clue where I am at I just know i'm in miles county." I said not taking my eyes off the clown. I waved at the mysterious man and then started walking off, for what seemed like 20 minutes I was talking and enjoying my time with BFF/N on the phone. Through what seemed like a miracle I saw a pizza joint, " Hey BFF/N, imma hang up and eat sooo later." and with that I hung up. 

I walked in and was greeted by the manager; it was a slow night so I sat at one of the booths and ate my favorite pizza. I was on my phone as well and saw that BFF/N was at a Halloween party. I frowned and thought of how they were so amazing and they could just go out in whatever and I was just ole little introverted Y/N.  I turned off my phone and ate parts of my pizza with a fork 'cause why the hell not. I was tired and about to head out until I saw the clown again.

I stared at him and felt off, ' couldn't have followed me, could he'

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