Hide n' seek

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I ran and ran hoping that there was still time to hide, I knew nothing about this place I lived just outside of miles county and I just ran in here for shelter. Trying to catch my breath I leaned on a musty wall, breathing in god knows what. I had to be quick in choosing a place to hide he must be looking for me already.


Y/N just ran off, however I knew this place like the back of my hand. I wouldn't have known where she would have gone if it was't for her loud gasps of air. I followed her about two minutes of spinning with my eyes closed, this wasn't cheating mind you. This is MY game of hide n seek as long as she doesn't leave then anything goes. I honestly didn't know what I was gonna do when I found her, she was just a magickal mystery that I had to crack. I followed her at a safe distance and saw she went into a closet. Perfect time to shine.


I took this time to be as quiet as I could as I made my way to a hiding spot. I felt a shiver down my spine as though I was being followed but ignored it thinking that the clown was off trying to find me. I walked farther until I found a closet. "perfect" I muttered in happiness. I stayed in there for what seemed like tenish minutes until footsteps were heard and I cursed under my breath, the footsteps grew closer my legs felt like they were lead. I gulped in fear, the door knob creaked and whined as it was being turned. I didn't notice tears threatening to drop to the floor. The silence was killing me I then heard the the slow painful creak of the hinges moving, dim light ever so slowly started to fill the closet like water in a drowning car. I first saw that large shoe and then saw his white pant leg then looked into his dashing- i mean sinister smile, and then I was about to get lost in his beautiful dark chocolaty eyes until he grabbed my ear like an angry mother and dragged me out. I tripped on my foot and fell with a hard THUD I was hysterical now, and I tried to grasp the thought of dying but at the same time try to convince him to keep me alive and let me go. He then lost that smile and looked at me with a blank face, he knelt down in front of me and started stroking my hair. I looked at him sniffling  but now calm I smiled, he gave me a warm genuine smile back and I instictivly put my hand on his bloodied face. He leaned into the gesture and then he started to lean in. I leaned in then remembered, " Nah man not yet clean those crusty ass teeth then we could kiss." he looked at me with a ' are you fucking kidding me bitch' face and I started to laugh. I felt at ease when near him, however I didn't think this was healthy, but I didn't care he might be killing people but I hated most people anyway 

(isn't that why you're fucking reading this?) 

I kissed his cheek and he then laughed? it was silent and somewhat contagious because I found myself laughing too. " GEE I guess I look like a idiot right now! HA" I chuckled and he nodded in agreence to my statement. I smiled, got up and then said " SHIT! What time is it" I patted myself down for my phone and found it, it was 5:03 am I was surprised I usally sleep at this time, " Well umm... I never caught your name." I stated and then he looked at me and then motioned for something to write with. I just gave him my phone and he texted out his name which was ART the clown. " That is a nice name Art." I said with a smile. He gave me a small smile and then I told him my name. " I am Y/N L/N, sooooo. well I have to try to get home if you want I would really enjoy your company." I said I scanned for an exit. He grabbed my hand and lead me through long maze like tunnels until we finally came out to the outside world.

" Thank you so much Art you are awesome!" said showing my gratitude by giving him a hug, I heard him sniff me but I didn't mind. He tightened his grip on me and I let out a squeak of surprise. He then let me go and I looked at my phone for directions back to my house. " Well Art if you want you can stay at my place for a while I don't mind and my roommate shouldn't either." I asked he nodded eagerly and I held his hand and we chatted for one of the longest walks of my entire existance.


I found her in that closet and now she was talking to me, holding my hand, and taking me to her home. Even after all that shit I did to her, but the thing that sort of bothered me was we didn't kiss on the lips like that time when she was tied up. She just told me to brush my teeth, which I didn't mind I guess it just caught me off guard. I was enjoying my time with her, she smelled delightful, and she seemed to share the same feelings as I do towards her but she seems confused about it. I was thrown out of my train of thoughts when she asked " Do you live in that warehouse or do you not have a home?" I just shrugged my shoulders trying to tell her I stayed there in the warehouse for some time. I never really had a home I just roamed wherever I pleased. She took note understanding what I meant and said " Well if you prove yourself fit you can live with me." she said with a kind grin. I loved it when she smiled it gave me some dose of happy when I see her like that.  After a long time of walking, ( The sun was faster at rising than us.) We arrived at her place . She opened the door and I walked in looking at the nice decor all over the place. 


"YAWN! I am tired after a day like this umm well you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch. " I said making my way over to the couch. Art just stood there dumbfounded, " Well Art you can find some extra toiletries in the restroom use them however you like and please wash your suite there's blood all over it." I said he nodded and began to strip off his attire " ART! NOT HERE PLEASE " I yelled sheilding my eyes from his almost naked form. I then felt sleep take me and I went into a dreamless slumber.

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