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It was right after harry had saved Sirius black his god-father and of course, buckbeak The hippogriff. He was sitting in the common room, Herminie asleep on the couch while Ron was still in the infirmary.

He stood up and roled her on her side pulled out the chain chanted a few words with his wand pointed at it as soon as he finished there was a copy in his hand 3 rings with a small hour glass in the middle the time turner

Then he went up the stairs to his dorm with half a plan in mind.

he opened his trunk and grabbed the bag in it opened it and grabbed 2 pairs of school robes folded neatly and stuck them in the bottom of the bag

next he grabbed the marauders map folded it neat and stuck in in the front with ink bottles and a few quills

then grabbed the invisibility cloak putting it in the back pocket with his uniform then added casual clothes tho he new he would have to get new ones to fit the date he wanted to go to

He thought for a minute then grabbed his caldron and shrunk it to the size of a cup and put it under the cloak then grabbed his year books lining them up in order of school year shrinking then a little and put them in the bag

then he ripped his really name off the trunk leaving the H. P. on it "that'll work" he said as he cast a aging spell on it and the imprints of his real name disappeared

He shrunk the trunk down to about 3in by 1 and 1 then put in the bag and looked at Hedwig "you wanna come girl" the bird shook her head no and he opened the cage set water and food out and opened the window "have fun I won't be coming back"

He then left the dorm and went out the portrait he turned the hour glass back 2 hours before curfew and headed down to the potions lab

"You can do this it's just Snape" he repeated on his way down still in no way convinced even by the time he got to the door

Summoning up all his 'Gryffindor' courage he knocked on the door

He heard a quiet but audible "enter" from the other side and swallowed hard as a chill went down his spin

"You can do this it's just Snape he's never tried to kill you" he repeated himself one more time before opening the door

Snape was grading paper work and didn't even look up when he said "what is it Potter"

Harry swallowed hard again and in almost a hushed whisper said "I need your help and opinion on something"

Snape looked up this time sliding the finished paper over "what is it then" he said lifting an elegant eyebrow

Harry gulped and looked down shuffling on his feet "well ummm I had this sorta idea and was wondering if it was a good one your the only one I could go to that I new would be brutally honest with me"

Snape looked a bit surprised for a second but his mask quickly fell back down so Harry didn't know if he was seeing things or not "well then what's this idea of yours Potter"

It was quite in the room for a bit Harry was thinking about a way to say it when Snape snapped "I haven't got all day"

this made Harry jump and back up a bit but it did give him an idea he pulled the chain out and said "well maybe not but we do have time"

Snape looked at it and back at the boy "where did that come from" he said in his hushed scary voice causing Harry to take another step back

"That's not important I was wondering if they went back all the way to oh I don't know the 1930s or 40s maybe" Harry said

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