part 1

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Back in time


Harry's POV

I sat in shapes office first day before school of my 7th year starts tomorrow staring blankly at the wall I was ready to go to the 1940s after spending the last 3 years and 3 month learning and researching the time period

I had everything I needed or wanted ready the Potter fortune coming in handy for that after watching not one but 2 more people pretty close to me die and then seeing Snape b3 forced to kill Dumbledore all I was waiting for was a signal to leave

But there was one last thing I needed or was less needed more wanted Dumbledore had left me his wand and a snitch in his will telling me to disarm who ever disarmed him last and I had done just that

Snape had left me a potion that would age me down by 4 years making me once again 12 but I hadn't drank it yet Snape was supposed to be coming to send me off but he was late if been pacing in his personal chambers for nearly an hour nervous that something bad had happened

I was of course relieved to see him come in threw the floo when he did but he seemed in a rush he shoved the potion and time turner in my hand and told me to leave now before it was to late

Of course I new immediately something went wrong and started spinning the time turner backwards to the 1940s immediately but before the 1990s faded away I saw Voldemort step threw the floo and new that Snape was lost likely goin to die in this time line

One I landed in 1940 I pulled my cloak around my shoulders immediately turning invisible and quickly slipped out of the potions masters chambers and hurried out of Hogwarts

Once past the ward line I apperated to diagon ally and slipped off my cloak and pushed the potion in to my pocket to drink after my visit to gringotts

I walked in to the back noticing it didn't look much different I walked up to the front and waited till the goblin looked up

"Yes." he said sounding Ititated

"Sorry for disturbing you but I need a inheritance check mr-?" I filled my head to the side curiously I was sure I'd seen this goblin before but I could think of a name and of course he looked much younger

"Mr.Rippclaw" he said then got off the podium and said "fallow me Mr.-" he cut himself off just like I did and looked at me

"Just call me Mr. P for now I want to change my name anyway" I said and he smiled in a creepy way and nodded

Then we reached a door reading the sign 'head goblin' as he knocked the door swung open and he walked in while I was close behind

"Rippclaw" said the head goblin

"Claw-arm sir Mr. P here wishes for a full inheritance check and name change chief" the goblin in question nodded and gripple left

After the door shut Claw-arm pulled out a knife and 2 parchments on the table "put 9 drops of blood on the first parchment and 3 on the other" he said

I did as told cutting the side of my hand knowing my palm would be to much and the finger to little

after 9 drops on one and 2 on the other all the blood began to swirl then it disappeared and then lettering showed up As then Bs all the wat to z it took a while but is looked cool and probably only took about a minute it read

'Harry James Potter

Birth date 1980 July 31st

Mother lily Mari Potter nee Evens

Father James Flamant Potter

Godfather Sirius Orion Black, Severus Tobias Snape-Prince and Remus John Lupin

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