On the Fence

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Wednesday and I dress in our black lamés and head down to fencing. We love fencing, we've been fencing with our father since we were two each other since we were 5; I am the better fencer, I always win.

A boy falls in front of us, "Coach, Coach! She tripped me." The boy whines pathetically. "It was a clean strike, Rowan." The coach says, "Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck." Bianca says after she's unmasks, "Seriously Coach, when am I gonna get real competition." She complains, I smirk and look to Wednesday, "Be my guest." She mutters to me with a smirk and I step forward, "I'll challenge you." I say standing in front of her "Oh one of the psychopaths they let in." She teases, "You must be the self appointed Queen Bee." Wednesday says, "Interesting thing about bees, pull of their stinger they drop dead." I add on, oohs fill the background. Bianca tilts her head towards me and we mask up.

"En Garde!" Coach says and we begin, my father's skills running through my body as I dodge her strikes, I touch her, right in the chest. "Point, Calamity." Coach says, "Itty." I hear Xavier's voice defend me, Bianca unmasks and glares at him then me, I unmask as well, "Problem?" I ask, she masks again I do the same and we begin fencing.
She hits me on the top of my sabre.
We both unmask, "Clearly the first point was beginners luck." She smirks, "For the final point I'd like to invoke a military challenge." I say, keeping my eye contact with Bianca, "No masks, no tips. Winner draws first blood." I say tossing my mask and tip of my sword to Wednesday, "It's your decision, Bianca." Coach says, "Let's see if you bleed in black and white." Bianca says and we begin.

I slice her forehead just barely then she slices my cheek, "Calamity wins." Coach says, "She's bleeding more than me!" Bianca exclaims, "Winner draws first blood. Calamity wins." Coach says and walks away to watch his other students.

After class I go to the infirmary to get a bandaid, Wednesday talks with Rowan. "I'm going back to the dorm." I say to Nes and begin to walk back to Ophelia Hall when all of a sudden I'm being tackled. I look up to who's hovering over me; Xavier, "What's wrong with you?" I slide from under him, sitting up to see a gargoyle smashed right where I was beginning to walk.

Xavier helps me up and wraps his arm around me walking to my room, "How did you know what was going to happen?" I ask him as he opens my door, "Itty, are you okay?" Enid runs to me, "Yes, I'm fine, can you give us a minute?" I say gently and she nods and leaves the room. "Xavier, how did you know?" "I was walking by and seen it falling and I reacted." He sits me down on my bed and stands in front of me, "Why did you save me?" I lean back on my palms and look up at him, he shrugs and puts his tongue in his cheek, "Instinct I guess." I stand up standing in between his feet still having to look up at him, "So you were guided by latent chivalry, the tool of the patriarchy, to extract my underlying gratitude?" He's smiling and nodding, "Most people just say thank you." He looks into my eyes, my stomach begins to feel fluttery but I hold my composure, "I would've rather saved myself." I say with a smirk and sit back down on my bed, "Glad to see you haven't changed." He says and sits on my bed, I furrow my eyebrows at him, "If it makes you feel any better, just say I returned the favor." He adds, a confused look still expressed on my face, "You probably don't remember me, last time we met we were like 10 at my god mother's funeral and I was like 40 pounds heavier." "What happened last time we met?" "We were bored, we decided to play hide and seek and I decided it would be a great idea to hide in her casket." He starts and my face softens up as I remember this story, "Wednesday made me stop playing so I never could find you, until I started hearing noises in the casket coming from the crematorium!" I get excited, sitting up closer to him; a smile plastered on his face, "You hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame broiled." He chuckles and Wednesday walks in, "Get out." She says to Xavier, glaring at him. "Bye Itty." He says and leaves the room.

"You almost die and I'm the last to know?" Wednesday says full of rage, "You wanted to stay and talk to Rowan instead of come with me." I defend myself and she changes her composure, "He actually left right after you, I was slightly offended and stayed back because I was full of pity and disgust that for the first time I try to be nice and it blows up in my face." She admits. I don't respond, she walks past me towards the record player putting on La Llorona. She sits at our desk and begins typing, I sigh and plop down on my bed.

All of a sudden I feel light taps under my bed, I sit up and Wednesday is looking over at my bed, "What is that?" She asks and I lean over my bed looking under it revealing Thing. I grab it and hold it up, "Mother and Father sent a spy." I say and put Thing on my bed, "I knew it." Wednesday says, "I've felt Thing's present since we got here I thought I was losing my mind." Just the Thing tries to escape, Wednesday grabs Thing by the wrist; Enid walks in and Wednesday puts Thing behind her back, "Hi, Enid. Let's go for a walk." I say to Enid as I sign to Wednesday behind my back that I'll distract her for 20 minutes.

I grab Enid's hand and walk out of the room with her, "So what happened earlier?" She asks, "A gargoyle almost fell on me and Xavier tackled me out of the way." "Wow, I'm glad he saved you." Enid looks me in the eyes and then quickly looks away. "Um, great job at fencing today, you did great. Standing up to Bianca was like totally the coolest thing." She smiles at me, "Thank you." I say quickly and nervously, Enid makes me nervous; I don't know why.

After 20 minutes we finally go back to the dorm, "Itty, we need to talk." Wednesday mutters to me as she grabs my wrist and pulls me into the closet, "I've made a plan with Thing to escape, are you coming with me?" Wednesday asks, I hesitate, "Of course." Wednesday changes her expression, "You want to stay don't you?" "I don't know, where else can we go? Mother already told you there's no where for us to go." "Itty Addams, are you doubting us? Do you know the things we've accomplished?" "Yes, Wednesday but I think this is beyond our abilities. We don't work well separated, just stay for the semester and then we can leave and never come back." I plead, "When I go to Jericho tomorrow morning for my therapy session I won't be retuning." Wednesday says and just as she goes to walk to the closet I snap into a vision.

"Itty!" I hear Wednesday calling my name and it snaps me from my vision, "What did you see?" She asks, "Coffee shop, you and a boy, that's all I could see but I got a really bad burning feeling inside the whole time. Wednesday something is coming." She looks slightly panicked but she snaps out of it, "Whatever is coming I'm sure we can handle it, we always do." Wednesday says and walks out of the closet, I follow.

"What was that about?" Enid chuckles, "Sister talk." I say nervously as I get into bed and fall asleep.

Whatever is coming I'm sure we can handle it but it's something bigger than we've ever handled before but I can't figure out what or who it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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