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You’re in the prison, season 3. Murrel is being held in the cell block and you are awaiting an attack from thee governor. 

Usually watching the cell block was a decent job for you. The new group wasn’t hostile much, and Michonne was often a delight to speak to, (on the rare occasion she would speak). Lately, however, it’s been a real chore. The arrival of Merle has made this job a goddamn nightmare. This horn dog wouldn’t leave you alone. Maybe he would if you told him you had a little back n’ forth with his brother but it wasn’t anything serious between the two of you. Plus, it’s really none of his business. 

“Hey snookums, we’re in a prison right? How about we find some cuffs and have some fun.” Merle purred through the bars, standing right behind you. Ignoring him was the only thing you had the energy to do, so that’s just what you did. He continued making remarks that you tuned out until you felt his hand slip through the bar and grab your arm.

“DON’T TOUCH ME SHIT DICK.” you jerked your arm away and aimed your gun at his face. You had no intention of shooting, but you had to make a point. Grabbing is a serious no-no. 

“Hey, baby I didn’t mean to upset ya. Just wanted some company is all. That ain’t no crime, is it?” Merle queried to you “Your just so pretty… I wonder what that pretty little voice of yours sounds like calling my name… I-” 

“ ’as enough bro.” Daryl made his way down the stairs with Glenn. His eyes narrowing at his brother the closer he got. “ y/n we got a job. Glenn’s taking over for ya.” 

“Right, I’ll grab my bag.” You nodded, jogging to grab your bag from your cell. As you left you heard Daryl, “ Not her Merle. Preferably not anyone, but definitely not her.”

In a few minutes you were packed and ready to go. Walking with Daryl to the fence. 

“What’s the job?” Looking at Daryl there was one word to describe his face. Agitated 


“Don’t you usually take that job on your own?”

“Yah but uh… Thought company migh’ be nice.”

You don’t buy that shit for a second. “ Oh, alright… thanks for stopping Merle. Jackass was really getting on my fuckin’ nerves. No offense to you. Just offense to him.” silence for a moment. “Full fucking offense to him.”

“ ‘Ey now dollface, I know he can be an ass but he’s still my brother.” Daryl said, walking to the woods, reloading his crossbow.

“I’ll never understand that. Merle is so small-minded, and crass while you’re…”

“Yeah I’m what?” Daryl snapped back at you. The energy changed. It was hostile. That’s what you get for pushing I suppose. He walked to you, less than a foot away and his face next to yours. Now you gotta be really sweet to make your way outta this. “I’m what?” 

“You’re perfect.” You looked at him with doe eyes and put a hand on his chest to feel a little more in control of the space between you. He was still glaring at you, he looked like he was ready to punch you in the face and leave you for walkers. “I-I’m sorry…” You began, but with that his hand grabbed the back of your hair and pulled it back, kissing you roughly. Initial shock kept you from kissing back, but after a second you melted into it, squeezing the collar of his shirt.

SMUTS BB >:D (daddy issues present)Where stories live. Discover now