Prologue: Death Is Not The End. It Is Merely A Stepping Point

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"Talking" Entities talking
"Talking" Regular talking
"Talking" Foreign language
"Talking" Robots and AIs talking

Third Person POV

In an empty space that is a void of nothingness two identical entities have ruled their respective realms as these are what we called in fiction as Marvel's The One Above All and DC's The Presence as they are here to discuss an offering of their creations.

"All right, let us begin, I will give one of my creations and see how it adapt to your realm." TOAA begins by opening his hand revealing the a flat triangular shape ship known as the Domo where the Eternals have used to traverse in the cosmos.

"Ah! An Eternal, you know I wouldn't be surprised the similarities between them and the New Gods." Presence said until he noticed something is different from it from a normal eternal. "Would you please explain to me about this one?" He politely asked as he pointed towards the inhabitant inside the ship.

"Certainly. You see this one is not like the rest of them for it is a Neo Eternal or Homo Neo Immortalis the difference would be that he is a tribrid of not only an Eternal, he is also a mutant and an inhuman making him unique." This intrigued Presence about the creature being a tribrid from what he knows that there are mutants that have the most powerful psychics, ergokinetics, reality warpers, time warpers, and magic users as well as the inhuman genome where it activates via a specific crystal. "With your permission I would like it that he was empowered by the source as well as his magic." This is a discovery from TOAA due to his mutant gene making him a potential magic user like Thanos despite being an Eternal-Deviant.

"Very well, he shall be empowered by the source as he will crossover outside of the wall making him exposed and absorbed its energies resulting in him having a strong connection." It would be interesting for him to see how many changes since in all its history there was never a source avatar as well as to how the New and Old Gods would react to such a being for now he would let nature to balance itself for the time being. "Anyway... I will have him be sent to a new reality, it is set in the Beginning of Mesopotamia."

"Well I guess I should give him a mission to educate the humans the necessary knowledge to build and sustain themselves much like the original Eternals." TOAA said as he recalled the number of Eternals have travelled to different new planets and educate the inhabitants yet there is one certain reality where it has their own dark purpose so with this opportunity he could at least give him a person while being in the other earth.

"Yes it is actually would be good for him to learn to forge his own path." Presence stated and his words are truer as he would be bringing many changes into this world.

In The Domo


I never thought that after dying I would somehow be reincarnated in an alien ship but it is not just any ship, it is the Domo, the ship the Eternals used in traversing the universe in helping new planets in educating them how to cultivate their cultures and history while protecting them from the Deviants. I don't know which version they are cause I felt bad for them being slaves to the Celestials I mean they forced them to kill Mutants in the AvXvE events or one where they are synthetic robots whom were erased and rebooted of their memories after releasing a new Celestial, enough about me now for today I am standing on a circular platform as I am placed on the center as lights shine on my spot as 9 lines are sprouted from my circle to each paths until it lit their circles, suddenly a small ball of golden light fell from the ceiling as the decoration has opened to let it down as it faced in front of me then shot towards my chest without realizing. The lights then spread to my body as it is being carried in my nervous system as it reaches to my brain I have felt various knowledge inserted and organized from educational subjects to knowledge about my powers, guessing this is pretty much how all the Celestials and Eternals felt of how they are created.

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