Prologue - Into The Source Of Everything

96 3 1

"Talking" Entities talking
"Talking" Regular talking
"Talking" Foreign language
"Talking" Robots and AIs talking

In the few decades I have been educating myself with my powers from my Supernatural Physiology, Matter Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Cosmic Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Flight, and my armed and unarmed combat prowess.

Phastos has been analyzing the limits of each of them as well as being my educator in the arts of science along with materializing matter as well as technology manipulation and to understand the biology of my body along with genentics.

Sersi and Ajak helped me in learning how to handle my matter Manipulation especially when it comes to healing so that I can also heal myself and others as well as the environment around using cosmic energy.

Druig and Sprite help me with my psionics and my illusion based powers I even need their opinion about my telepathic loop prison which they congratulated me in doing so but they also thought me how defend myself from psychic attacks and to shield my mind along with how to tell if I am in an illusion or not.

In my combat training (the worst experience of my life) they each take turns on the aspect of fighting; Gilgamesh, will be my unarmed combat instructor to test my fighting skills and my endurance, durability, and stamina to handle his strongest blows with/without his cosmic exoskeleton despite being a hologram he's as strong as the original along with how to make my own exoskeleton, I know this cause it hurts like hell.

Thena will be teaching me how to fight and conjure weapons in closed range, long ranged, defence, and counter then she tested my reflexes, agility, flexibility, and acrobatics cause she was known as one greatest warriors of Olympia so her training is super harsh and everything has to be perfected.

Makkari will teach me how to utilize my speed in combat along with her signature techniques like her shockwave and vibration sense along with making run circles until she say so, in her case was using a barrier to stop my speed.

Ikaris and Kingo will teach how to shoot projectiles and dodging them accurately, Ikaris will show me aerial combat while Kingo shows me various ways to use my projectiles in different areas along with my optic Blast.

There is also the training room where it is the danger room but on cosmic steroids where I was put in dangerous scenarios to build up enough experience and awareness in a fight , thanks to my physiology the need to eat and sleep are not needed so we do those routines endlessly.

When not training I have been keeping check the Incanis Lupus, the scientific name for the dogs with inhuman genes, I mixed feelings about them the good thing was that they serve as my service pets but the bad thing they just keep teleporting and gave in to their doggy instincts easily resulting a number of messes around the Domo go with the fact that there are a hundred of them in their pen which is a good thing it is an expanded space made by Phastos. I also begin doing scientific research to past the time I have been studying the properties of each marvel metals, do some genetic research, and making technology on a whim.

While voyaging in space, a group of space pirates kept attacking the Domo despite them not being familiar with Celestial technology it is seriously annoying so I got and destroy their fleet for they will be my training dummies and stress release making this a one sided massacre there those that escape but I shrug it off and salvage all of their technology and junk as I put them in a storage room on the Domo however while doing that I happened to see a peculiar yet familiar object as I picked it up it suddenly glowed red and I have felt it was trying to corrupt and twisted my mind however after a torturous psychic training I used all my will power to destroy its corruptive hold on me until it vaporised then suddenly the energy inside has entered my body but it isn't corrupt in nature it felt that I am being welcomed in a new household as I let flow into my mind flashes of knowledge came at me in an enlightened state after a few seconds I fell and catch my breath knowing the universe and multiverse I am in is not marvel but DC.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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