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It was a regular day in jump city. No crimes has happened for almost 2 weeks ! Starfire was in her room and she had a wonderful idea! She decided to tell robin to see what he thinks. IN WORK OUT ROOM
Starefire:Hello friend Robin I have the wonderful of plans Robin: hey star what's up Starfire : we should go on the vacation!! It would be the joyess if we could have all of our friends do the hanging out and have the fun!!! Robin: ummmm......I don't know star I mean what if crime happens when we are gone. starfire: o do not do the worrying friend I have already told the Titans east!! Robin: OK let's tell the other titans
Raven was reading her book beastboy was playing video games with cyborg starfire :friend we have some wonderous news !!! Cyborg: what is it star ? Starfire: we r going on the vacation !!! Raven: cool were too? Star: good question friend raven Beastboy: oooo can we go to cooco beach pleeeese??!?!?!? Star: o I never been to the cooco beach Robin: OK so I guess we r going to cooco beach!! Beastboy: o yeaaaaa baby!!! We going on vacation!!! Robin: OK so titans go pack now and meet back here in 1hour and don't worry about jump city if crimes happens titans east is going to watch jump city!
All the titans go and pack there things and they change into other clothes!! 1hour later
Robin comes out wearing a mussel T-shirt and jeans and some sneachers then cyborg comes out and is wearing a blue t-shirt and shorts that goes to his knees (cyborg is in human form because he is wearing that ring from the episode deception ) beast boy comes out with a dark green polo shirt and skinny jeans then Starfire wore a pink skirt with a pink flowerly (is that even a word ) top and pink flats then last one came out was Raven with a black shirt that has a white skull on the front and black shorts and dark blue boots (sounds like something I would wear) Beastboy was stareing at her
Gosh she looks beautiful no gorgeous no hot no she looks like a babe!!!
Cyborg: u OK u r starring again beastboy: what me stare?!!? Ummm...noooo cyborg : look dude its obvious that u like her just go talk to her tell her how u feel man Beastboy: what if she doesn't like me bad what if she doesn't feel the same way cyborg : dude chill she probably feels the same way. beastboy: u know what u r right I'm going to ask her just gotta find the right time the right moment Robin: OK titans r we all set
All titans say yes
Robin : OK then let's get going to the air port

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